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How to Relieve Kidney Stone Pain

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 04/16/2024

Ever felt like a tiny, jagged rock is tearing through your insides? That's the brutal reality of kidney stones. These unwelcome guests can cause excruciating pain and affect our overall health.

Take a comprehensive look at kidney stones, the most common causes, and how they form while learning how to prevent stones from forming.

What are Kidney Stones?

Kidney stones are solid masses in the kidneys and can cause discomfort, pain, or other symptoms when they move through the urinary tract.

The Role of Calcium Oxalate in Kidney Stones

The most common type of kidney stones is calcium oxalate stones. Low citrate amounts in the bloodstream can lead to kidney stones developing.

Dietary Factors that Contribute to Kidney Stones

Many dietary components can heighten the danger of forming kidney stones. Two primary culprits are high oxalate foods and excessive intake of sugar and sodium.

High Oxalate Foods and Their Impact on Kidney Health

Foods rich in oxalates, such as dark beer, cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, chocolates, fruits like berries, soy products, beans including lentils, and peanuts, can raise your chances of getting kidney stones. Beets and spinach are also notorious for their high oxalate content.

The problem arises when these oxalates bind with calcium in our kidneys to form calcium oxalate stones, the most common type of kidney stone.

The Role of Sugar and Sodium in Kidney Stone Formation

Sugar also contributes significantly to forming kidney stones by depleting excess calcium from your body. Excessive sodium intake can also contribute to kidney stone formation, especially if one consumes junk food or MSG.

This happens because too much salt makes more calcium available for stone formation by reducing its reabsorption into the blood through the kidneys. So make sure to check those labels next time.

The Influence of Supplements on Kidney Stones

Supplements can play a surprising role in kidney stone formation. Certain types, like calcium-based antacids and calcium carbonate, are particularly noteworthy.

Calcium-Based Antacids and Kidney Stones

Calcium-based antacids may quickly relieve heartburn, but they have an unexpected downside. They can lead to the accumulation of excess calcium in the kidneys. Studies have shown that taking these frequently could be risky for those prone to kidney stones.

This is because our bodies struggle to process large amounts of this mineral at once. Instead, it gets deposited in the kidneys, where, over time, it might form stones.

The Impact of Calcium Carbonate Supplements on Kidney Health

Similarly, supplements containing calcium carbonate also pose a risk due to their indigestibility. Research suggests that unprocessed mineral forms like this contribute more readily towards stone formation than dietary sources.

This happens as undigested compounds travel through your system until they reach your kidneys. There they too begin amassing into what we know as kidney stones.

Preventing Kidney Stones Through Diet

Kidney stones can be a real nuisance, but your diet has the potential to fend them off. One secret weapon is citric acid, found abundantly in lemon juice.

The Role of Citric Acid in Preventing Kidney Stones

Citric acid isn't just for tangy flavor; it's also crucial for kidney health. Consuming citric acid from sources like lemon juice helps increase citrate levels in our bodies.

Why does this matter? Low citrate levels are often seen with an increased risk of forming kidney stones. By boosting these levels through our diet, we're better equipped to prevent stone formation and maintain healthy kidneys.

To start incorporating more citrus into your life, add freshly squeezed lemon juice to your water or salad dressings daily. Not only will you enjoy the refreshing taste, but you also get its stone-preventing benefits.

Treating Kidney Stones with Natural Remedies

While dealing with kidney stones, don't underestimate the power of natural remedies. These can often be found in your kitchen cabinet.

Apple cider vinegar, for instance, has been praised as a potent home remedy to treat and prevent these painful deposits. But how does it work? The acetic acid in apple cider vinegar can help break down kidney stones.

Lemon juice, too, offers an easy fix at home thanks to its high citric acid content. When mixed, lemon juice and apple cider vinegar create a potent concoction that aids in dissolving kidney stones naturally.

To make this mixture even more effective, consider adding water, forming what some call a 'kidney stone cocktail.'

Remember, though, moderation is essential when using these remedies; excessive intake might lead to stomach discomfort due to their acidic nature.

Vitamin K2 capsule

Vitamin K2 and Kidney Stones

Vitamin K2 is primarily known for supporting bone and cardiovascular health, but its connection to kidney stones is not well-established.

While some research suggests that adequate vitamin K2 intake may help reduce the risk of developing specific kidney stones, it's essential to understand that vitamin K2 alone is unlikely to dissolve kidney stones.

Kidney stones are complex structures made up of various minerals, and their treatment typically involves measures like increased fluid intake, dietary modifications, and, in some cases, medical interventions.

While vitamin K2 may contribute to overall kidney health, it should not be relied upon as a sole solution for dissolving kidney stones.

If you're dealing with kidney stones, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional for a comprehensive and personalized treatment plan.


Preventing kidney stones requires understanding dietary and lifestyle factors that contribute to their formation. High oxalate foods, excess sugar, sodium intake, and certain supplements increase the risk. However, incorporating citric acid-rich foods like lemon juice can help prevent stone formation.

Natural remedies such as apple cider vinegar and lemon juice may offer relief, but moderation is key. While vitamin K2 may support kidney health, it's not a sole solution. Consulting a healthcare professional for personalized advice is crucial for effective management.

By adopting a balanced diet, staying hydrated, and avoiding dietary triggers, individuals can significantly reduce their risk of kidney stones and maintain optimal kidney health.


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