How to Improve Glaucoma

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 04/05/2024

Glaucoma can be a terrifying condition to deal with because it deteriorates your vision.

Learn more about glaucoma, what causes it, and what you can do to strengthen your eyesight.

Understanding Glaucoma

Glaucoma, often linked to the aging of the eyes, can cause significant sight impairment if not taken care of quickly. It's a condition characterized by high eye pressure or intraocular pressure that damages the optic nerve. This damage can result in blindness cases over time.

Causes and Risk Factors for Glaucoma

The leading cause of glaucoma is usually an increase in eye fluid production or issues with drainage leading to high eye pressure. However, several risk factors may contribute to developing this condition, including underlying health conditions like hypothyroidism.

Your chances of getting open-angle glaucoma (the most common type) rise as you age, but specific medical treatments might reduce these risks significantly. In some instances, though, people need more than just conventional treatment options like eye drops: they need natural remedies too.

Doctor holds wooden cubes in his hands with text GLAUCOMA

The Role of Vitamins in Glaucoma Management

Vitamin C isn't just great for boosting immunity; it is critical in preventing glaucoma. Foods packed with vitamin C should be part of any diet to improve overall health, especially where good nutrition matters, such as managing glaucoma.

Sources of Vitamin C

Vegetables that are leafy greens like collard greens and Brussels sprouts are excellent sources of vitamin C which can contribute to overall health, especially when managing glaucoma.

Leafy Greens And Eye Health

The importance of green vegetables for eye health can't be overstated. Leafy greens contain essential nutrients that support vision by reducing the risk factors associated with glaucoma.

These veggies should form an integral part of your healthy diet plan.

Vitamins B12 and B1 for Optic Nerve Support

The optic nerve plays a crucial role in our ability to see, but it's often overlooked when discussing eye health. Let's shift the spotlight onto vitamins B12 and B1—critical players supporting this vital structure.

Penetrating the Myelin Sheath for Nerve Healing

The optic nerve is comparable to an electrical cable that sends visual info from the eyes to the brain. This 'cable' is protected by a layer called the myelin sheath—a fatty substance essential for quick transmission of signals.

The optic nerve fibers and their protective myelin coating are damaged in glaucoma patients. Here’s where vitamins B12 and B1 come into play—they are fat-soluble vitamins that can penetrate this sheath, helping with nerve healing.

Vitamin B12 supports cell production—including those needed for repairing damaged nerves—and helps form red blood cells that deliver oxygen throughout our bodies, including our eyes. On top of these benefits, Vitamin B1 has antioxidant properties that protect against oxidative stress—one of many factors contributing to glaucoma development.

Benefits of Vitamin B12 & How To Get It?

An adequate vitamin B12 intake and regular check-ups with your eye doctor can contribute significantly towards maintaining healthy vision. So how do we ensure we’re getting enough of this essential nutrient?

The good news is that B12 is naturally found in various foods. Animal products like meat, fish, and dairy are all great sources. But supplements can effectively boost your levels for those on plant-based diets or who have difficulty absorbing nutrients from food.

B12 for Eye Floaters

Regarding optic nerve support, vitamins B12 and B1 are essential in maintaining overall eye health. While these vitamins are beneficial, it's important to note that they may not directly address the issue of how to reduce floaters in the eyes naturally. Changes in the vitreous humor of the eye often cause floaters.

To address floaters effectively, it's advisable to consult with an eye care specialist who can provide appropriate guidance and treatments. However, maintaining a well-balanced diet rich in vitamins and nutrients can improve eye health and reduce the risk of certain eye conditions.

AC Carbamide for Improving Eye Pressure and Fluid Retention

The struggle with glaucoma often boils down to managing eye pressure. Enter AC carbamide, a standard process supplement for improving eye pressure and fluid retention.

The Role of Urea in Tissue Cell Permeability

So, what's the magic behind AC carbamide? It's all about urea, the natural compound found within it. This component has some surprising benefits when it comes to tissue cell permeability.

Think of your cells as tiny balloons filled with water. If these balloons become too full (or pressurized), they can burst or cause damage—like high intraocular pressure harming our optic nerve leading to glaucoma.

To prevent this from happening, we need something that can help manage this fluid balance effectively, which is what urea can do.

Poking small holes in those overly inflated balloons would relieve them of excessive internal tension; similarly, increasing tissue cell permeability lets out excess fluids, thus reducing overall ocular tension.

Other Natural Remedies for Glaucoma

Glaucoma, a widespread eye issue that can cause sight loss if left untreated, has been typically handled with medications and surgical procedures. However, these conventional methods are not the only options available.

Ginkgo Biloba and Eye Health

The ancient herb ginkgo biloba, known for its antioxidant properties, is believed to enhance blood flow to various body parts, including the eyes.

This improved circulation could support healthy intraocular pressure levels, an essential factor in managing glaucoma.

A study published by The Journal of Pharmacology And Experimental Therapeutics found evidence suggesting ginkgo extract may protect nerve cells from damage in patients with open-angle glaucoma, one of the most common types of this disease.

In addition to ginkgolides' protective effects on nerve cells, they also possess anti-inflammatory properties, adding value as a potential treatment method for glaucoma sufferers looking beyond medical treatments like prescription eye drops or surgery.

Fish Oil Supplements for Eye Health

Omega-3 fatty acids found abundantly in fish oil supplements, are another natural option to consider when managing high intraocular pressure associated with glaucoma.

These fatty acids help reduce inflammation and improve blood flow, potentially helping with eye pressure regulation.

Studies show that omega-3s help keep your eyes healthy and may lower the risk of age-related issues like macular degeneration.


Glaucoma poses a significant threat to vision health, often causing irreversible damage if left untreated. Understanding its causes and risk factors is crucial for effective management and prevention.

Incorporating vitamins such as C, B12, and B1 into your diet can support optic nerve health and overall eye function.

Additionally, natural remedies like AC carbamide, ginkgo biloba, and fish oil supplements offer promising avenues for managing intraocular pressure and reducing inflammation associated with glaucoma.

By combining conventional treatments with these natural approaches and seeking regular eye care, individuals can take proactive steps toward preserving their vision and mitigating the impact of glaucoma. Remember to always consult a healthcare professional at the first sign of trouble with your vision.

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