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Egg Yolk vs Egg White: Whats the Difference

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 08/31/2023

Are you eating eggs the wrong way? Some people eat the egg whites and throw the egg yolks away. If that’s what you’re doing, you’re making a huge mistake. But, aren’t egg yolks really bad for your health? Actually, a lot of the nutrition of the egg is in the egg yolk.

Let me explain as I cover the egg yolk vs. egg white—their differences, benefits, and more.

In this article, I will cover:

A woman in a kitchen separating an egg yolk from an egg white.  | Egg Yolk vs. Egg White: Whats’ the Difference?


The Egg Yolk Myth

Unfortunately, there is a myth going around that egg yolks are unhealthy, and that they will clog your arteries because there’s so much fat. You may have even been told this before. But, are egg yolks going to kill you? I don’t believe so. In fact, I believe egg yolks have some really incredible benefits for your health.

Egg yolks are loaded with cholesterol. But, the cholesterol in egg yolks may not actually be a problem or clog your arteries. In fact, it may not increase your body’s cholesterol at all.

Here’s the thing about cholesterol. Your body makes cholesterol, and when you increase the dietary cholesterol, your body actually makes less cholesterol—keeping a healthy balance.

When you look at all of the cholesterol that’s in someone’s body, 75% of it is made by the body. Only 25% of the cholesterol comes from your diet. Your body makes most of the cholesterol that it has. It’s a tightly regulated system.

Also, if cholesterol was so bad, why does your body make it? We may even need this cholesterol to help feed the brain, nervous system, cell membranes, and hormones.

Yes, cholesterol may be necessary for healthy testosterone, estrogen, and cortisol. If you were to start cutting down cholesterol, you could end up having a lot of problems.

Chicken eggs in the straw with half a broken egg showing the egg yolk. | Egg Yolk vs. Egg White: What’s the Difference?


Egg Yolk vs. Egg White

I know you’ve probably been told your whole life that fats, including egg yolks, are bad for you. But, it’s time someone told you the truth. There are beneficial fats. Your body even needs certain fats.

I recommend a healthy ketogenic diet. With this diet, you’re encouraged to keep your carbs very low, consume a moderate amount of protein, and consume a higher amount of fat. This is because I believe the real culprit behind many health issues is sugar and refined carbs—not fat.

Many people have had great success in reaching their health goals and losing weight with the healthy keto diet combined with intermittent fasting.

So, before you toss out another egg yolk, let’s look at the egg white vs. yolk.

Egg Yolks

Egg yolks have something called immunoglobulins, which are basically antibodies. Immunoglobulins may greatly help your immune system—especially in the gut.

This antibody is even being concentrated and given to people who have certain gut diseases, and the researchers have seen some impressive results.

Immunoglobulins may also be great for antibiotic resistance. This is why egg yolks could be beneficial for someone who is feeling really run-down or sick.

Egg yolks are loaded with fat-soluble vitamins, such as:

  • Vitamin A

  • Vitamin D

  • Vitamin E

  • Vitamin K2

Egg yolks contain trace minerals, such as:

  • B12

  • Folate

  • Phospholipids

  • Calcium

Egg White

Egg whites contain most of the protein of the egg. But, there is a unique chemical called avidin in egg whites that blocks biotin. However, this is only if you consume raw egg whites. It really doesn’t seem to be a big issue to worry about, and here’s why. You would have to consume twenty raw eggs a day to develop a biotin deficiency. This is because biotin is in so many different foods, and the good bacteria in your gut also make biotin for you.

It is possible to be deficient in biotin, but that’s typically because there is something else going on. Some people have an alteration in their genes that causes them not to be able to absorb biotin. The only way to handle that situation may be to take biotin. Most people don’t need to worry about being deficient in biotin.

Egg whites are loaded with:

  • B2

  • B3

Egg whites also contain:

  • Magnesium (more than the egg yolk)

  • Potassium (more than the egg yolk)

A person eating fried eggs with parsley and chili peppers on a wooden table with fork and knife. | Egg Yolk vs. Egg White: What’s the Difference?


What Part of the Egg Should You Consume?

While egg yolks have a lot of important benefits, the egg white shouldn’t be forgotten either. So, if we’re comparing the egg white vs. egg yolk, which part should you consume? Well, it really may be best to just consume the whole egg. Both parts of the egg are loaded with health benefits.

We also have the Fat Storing Hormone index, which is a scale that shows all of the foods that aren’t carbohydrates that still affect Fat Storing Hormone, like protein and fats. If we look at the Fat Storing Hormone index, from low to high, egg whites would be higher on the index than the whole egg.

When you consume the whole egg, it has less of an effect on Fat Storing Hormone than if you were to only consume the egg white. So, not only does eating the whole egg provide you with more nutrition, but it may also promote healthy blood sugar levels.


Key Takeaways—Egg Yolk vs. Egg White

The myth that egg yolks are bad for you has been busted. When it comes to egg yolk vs. egg white, egg yolks have just as many health benefits if not more than egg whites. But, that doesn’t mean that the egg whites aren’t also important. I believe it’s best to consume the whole egg. Whole eggs are packed with vitamins, minerals, and more.

Other than breast milk, whole eggs provide the best quality protein for the body. Eggs are not muscle protein, making them a more nutrient-dense and easier to digest protein source.

I actually consume four whole eggs per day because of their amazing health benefits. Be sure to try to always consume organic pasture-raised eggs. It’s time to stop being afraid of whole eggs. It’s time to give them another chance.


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Disclaimer: Our educational content is not meant or intended for medical advice or treatment.

Editor’s Note: This post has been updated for quality and relevancy.

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