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9 Top Super Foods on the Planet

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 01/29/2025

9 Top Super Foods on the Planet

The 9 super foods on the planet are the most nutrient-dense foods you can find. These are mainly vegetables that do wonderful things for the body — from the liver, to the colon, to the brain, and to the hormones. 

These top 9 super foods for health are so great that I combined their best properties to create a product called  Organic Cruciferous Food.

Let me tell you about the wonder of these super foods for your health:

1. Kale

Kale is bitter – and anything bitter is good for your liver. Kale removes fat from the liver, decongests the gallbladder, and helps make more bile. Basically, for liver health. which translates into health for the entire system, you may want to start consuming more bitter vegetables.

Kale has tons of vitamin C, vitamin K, and vitamin A, too, but what it mainly does is to slowly clean and detoxify your liver.

Another asset of kale is that it’s anti-estrogenic. If you have a buildup of excess estrogen (the bad kind), it will help balance that.

2. Cabbage

Cabbage is rich in L-glutamine, which is a nutrient that’s good for the brain, the heart, and the muscles. L-glutamine is also good for a leaky gut. Cabbage juice is fantastic for healing ulcers, acid reflux, heartburn, and any condition related to an irritable bowel.

3. Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts are similar to cabbage, without the negative effects on the thyroid that some other cruciferous vegetables have. Some cruciferous veggies are bad for the thyroid because they deplete iodine. However, you’d have to eat a lot of iodine before that happens.

Take some sea kelp with Brussels sprouts, and you’re good to go. This is what I like to do and what I recommend to my patients. Remember, Brussels sprouts have all the great effects that cabbage has without the thyroid-negative aspect.

4. Radish


Are you getting enough Sulfur in your diet? Radish is high in sulfur, so it’s good for detoxifying the liver, specifically from the chemicals and poisons that are in it. It’s good for helping to eliminate poisons of all kinds. 

It supports something called Phase I and Phase II detoxification. That’s where you take a poison and turn it into a water-soluble particle so that it would be eliminated safely through the body.

Radishes, specifically the Spanish black variety, are also great for sinus mucus congestion. Consuming radish is good for sinus congestion, for deep mucus in the lungs that just won’t come out, and for thinning out and eliminating mucus from the body.  

5. Beets  

The beet top or beet greens have the highest potassium content among vegetables, although the actual beet is also good. 

Beets are rich in nitric oxide, which is good for decreasing tension in the arteries, decreasing blood pressure, helping increase testosterone, and balancing out estrogen.  Its other chief benefits help out the liver and gallbladder.

6. Asparagus

Asparagus is rich in fiber, which is great for the colon. It is great as an anti-anxiety vegetable as well. 

Asparagus is good for relaxation and relief from stress, and it’s also loaded with vitamin B1. I have noticed that when I eat or take asparagus, I become really calm the next day. It’s also good as an anti-diuretic, and it helps prevent kidney stones.

7. Garlic


We know a lot about garlic. Garlic is the most potent anti-cancer, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungus, anti-yeast food that we have ever been blessed with.

It just thoroughly cleans up bad microbes in your system. It also prevents certain things I cannot mention here, but look it up. Overall, garlic is powerful food.

Don’t worry about the smell — the Italians don’t. The benefits make it worth it anyway. And you can always take it in an all-natural supplement form to prevent garlic breath.  

8. Turmeric

Turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. It’s good for the brain, and it’s also considered an anti-aging nutrient.

9. Parsley


Parsley is another one of my favorites. It’s kind of the garnish that no one eats, but parsley has more vitamin A than kale, more vitamin C than oranges, and twice the iron that spinach has. It also has massive amounts of vitamin K.

It’s bitter and good for the liver. I take parsley and combine it with kale and add some lemon juice (to prevent kidney stones) to drink. It’s a great overall tonic that really helps to detoxify the liver. This is a great super food that will probably be getting a lot of attention soon.

I actually combined ALL these super foods into one amazing combination. It’s called Organic Cruciferous Food and you can check it out here.

I would love to hear your thoughts about this super food blog today, and any questions or concerns you have about how to use food to heal and promote health from within.


Understand these super foods and see more diet advice from the Dr. Berg Video Blog.

Thank you,

Dr. Berg

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