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Vegan Keto


By: Reuben

Despite many opinions on the vegan keto diet being too hard, I decided to sit down and give the diet a decent think-through. 

After watching many (literally hundreds) of Dr. Berg's videos I began to piece together what might be required to pull this off. I have also become a supplement junky in the process. 

So far the key supplements of the diet that are vital are Methyl - Vit B12, a decent Iron supplement, vegan DHA/EPA capsules, vegan vitamin A, vegan vitamin D+K2, vegan glucosamine, vegan betaine hydrochloride/ACV, vegan digestive enzymes, magnesium, organic hemp, and pea protein. I have done many many hours searching for and comparing the best vegan products. Feel free to ask if interested. I also take electrolyte powder and potassium. 

The bulk of the diet consists of coconuts (shredded, chunks, oil, butter, yogurt, milk, cheese, etc), nuts (macadamia, pecan, walnut, brazil), avocados/ avo oil, olives/olive oil, MCT oil, a small amount of flax oil (even though Dr. Berg made a recent video about it increasing estrogen) and LOADS of greens/cruciferous veggies. My gut loves sauerkraut, pickled globe artichokes, and asparagus. There are some amazing vegan keto recipes out there that make the diet a lot more fun. 

Overall the diet has been remarkably, incredibly amazing (when I don't eat TOO much fat in one meal... my heart doesn't like that very much). Otherwise... remarkably, incredibly amazing... To quote Thomas Delauer: "Literally". I have higher energy levels (I could fast all day and still have energy left over AFTER a heavy weights session in the arvo), clearer, sharper mental power, less inflammation, less oily skin, and all my previous aches disappeared. I just feel better overall so it must've helped with hormonal rebalancing somehow. 

Precautions must be taken with this diet as you can do damage if you don't do your research and remain sensitive to your body's signals, especially regarding the amount of fat you can handle in one sitting. I have noticed that the timing of supplementation has been very important also. Dr. Berg... If you happen to read this... I love you and appreciate you to Mars and back! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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