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The scales are removed


By: Brian Thorndike

I was in decent shape until about 6-7 when my mother started basically feeding me fast food several times a week. Then I was fat until I joined football in 9th grade. The physical activity from school sports elevated me into a new world of increased confidence and self-image. I stayed fit throughout high school and then joined the Marines. Again, the physical activity was enough despite my poor nutrition. Once I got out though I became a fitness trainer and tried taking my bodybuilding to the next level but herniated my lower three discs in 2003 and that was that. I slowly increased in fat while the muscle disappeared. By 2009, I had to drop out of college and life in general because I was in so much pain from the pinched nerves. I even seriously contemplated suicide because the pain was too much. Thankfully, I had been saving money that was supposed to go for college or a house but was used for laser discectomy. That saved me from suicide but did little to help me get in shape. I was so low and had to really fight to get out of it. Then about 4 years ago, it seemed I could not lose weight no matter how well I thought I was eating or how much time exercising. Then, I'm pretty sure I developed a leaky gut and became allergic to wheat, soy, nuts, rice, eggs, and my lactose intolerance skyrocketed. I would eat stuff and then be sick for days, especially with dairy products. It affected my work, my marriage, my everything. I couldn't and still don't eat anything unless I make it. I still haven't traveled away from my house in 4 years but I'm about to try in September. Just before my divorce, I found Dr. Berg's videos and studied them for about 2 months. With everything I had learned over the years about nutrition, what he was saying really struck a cord with me. It all seemed to make perfectly logical sense. So, I eventually decided there's only one way to find out so I tried it and have lost up to 60lbs. When I started I was 215+ lbs and 26% body fat. By far the most weight and fat I ever carried in my life and I looked and felt absolutely horrible. I was developing pre diabetes, had high cholesterol around 300 for 5+ prior years. Doctors said I could have a heart attack at any time and I think I could actually feel it looking back now. My heart used to flutter a lot and I became so tired all the time. If I went to the gym I'd be dead afterwards. I was irritable, nasty, depressed, my wife left me, my dog hated me, I hated me lol. I was a mess. But now, I'm much healthier, have a lower cholesterol level of 233 last I checked, am no longer borderline pre diabetic, my A1C dropped to 5.2 from 6.2, HDL is up to 40, I'm happier, I fit into all my clothes again, actually many are too big now. My vision has improved, my auto immune rash on my neck has improved, my body fat is about 18% which is not great but better, gray hairs mostly stopped popping up, people say my skin is glowing, I look younger by at least 10 years, lots more energy and focus. I mean just all kinds of crazy benefits have resulted from this and now I view my ordeal as more of a blessing in disguise than just a horrible curse. Thanks so much Dr. Berg.

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