Success in 10 weeks
By: Svanfridur Hagvaag
I am an 72 years woman who have been overweight for the last 30 years. I am Icelandic, but have been living in North Norway the last 2 years. In April I ran into some videos about Keto and intermittent fasting and began slowly to follow the advise. I live on a low pension and do not have a scale, so I do not have my beginning weight, but my waist was around 135 cm, now it is 112 cm and my rheumatic is gone, my asthma is gone, the fibromyalgia is more or less gone. My clothes are like a tent now. I will continue on this path until I am happy with my weight. This is the first time since a diet has worked for me. I had very slow metabolism due to slow thyroid and ate very little to avoid weight gain. Now I eat far more and my food bill has gone down nearly half. Best wishes to everyone on this path.
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