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Size 4 Here I Come...

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By: Amy Catlin Wozniak

I am Amy Catlin Wozniak, 54 of Hartville, Ohio. When I moved to Ohio in 2006, I was a size 4. I slowly climbed back up to a size 10 by, as we say in my house, “eating my feelings.”

In 2020, with COVID-19 and all that was going on, I had more than enough “feelings” that kept me reaching for crackers, chips, and whatever else was in the house. I had been hearing about Keto and IF for over a year, and watching Dr. Berg’s videos and seeing the success people were having, but still thinking it would work for me—because of my age… because in the past it had been so difficult to lose weight… because there was no way I could stick with it… take your pick of excuses, I made them all. It got to the point I hated to take any pictures, even for social media. We have a Great Pyrenees, named Scarlett O’Hara. Whenever it came time for any pictures, I would put her in front of me to hide my rather large self with her. But on St. Patrick Day 2021, I decided I’d had enough of being depressed that I couldn’t fit into my clothes. That was the line in the sand as I refused to buy the “next bigger size.” I remember cropping my head out of all of my “before” pictures because I just couldn’t stand to see my face on “that” body—I couldn’t face how I’d let myself go.

At first, I thought I would just do Keto because there would be no way I could do intermittent fasting. I would be too hungry all the time. BUT—I was wrong. Within the first two weeks, I started going longer and longer periods without eating. I just wasn’t that hungry. Eventually, I transitioned to OMAD, which I now pretty much stick with throughout the week. But on Sundays, I do a meal and a half, as Dr. Berg mentions, he does in one of his videos, just to take the edge off. What I didn’t expect was how much it has improved my digestion. I was one of those people who consistently had “tummy trouble” but not anymore. I don’t have a gallbladder and I found Dr. Berg's Gallbladder formula helps me with my digestion, too. I believe I have also finally found my way past my emotional eating. This summer my husband and I faced the 7th anniversary of the death of my stepson, Ryan. On that day, we both ate our way through the grief. The next day, I was not only so sick, but I was still just as sad. This time I didn’t tell myself, “well you messed up big so you might as well give up.” Instead, I got right back on my eating plan and again started employing other ways to process my feelings.

On an average day, I eat my OMAD for dinner with my husband. My favorite meals are cheeseburger salad, spinach salad, and a recipe I developed for stuffed peppers using cauliflower rice and a seasoning mixture (it’s a hit with everyone). My best advice is to track your progress. You won’t be sorry you did. From the beginning of my journey, I’ve kept a Trello board for inspiration, with goal dates and pictures of the milestones along the way, putting a visual to how far I’ve come. A long-time walker, in July I added more targeted workouts through a couple of 30/30 challenges with my daughters.

In late summer, I got a bit off track with that, but I am looking forward to starting up regular workouts this fall. It’s easier to do because I find I don’t have the joint pain that I used to have. In August, on my 54th birthday, I bought a pair of size 6 shorts, and I wore size 5 jeans to my husband’s class reunion over Labor Day. I know a size 4 is once again in my future. It’s now been 6 months, and we have just come back from celebrating our 12th wedding anniversary in the OBX at the beach. That was one of my big goal dates, as we planned to have beach pictures taken. This time I was excited about the photo session. The photos are great and I can't wait to share them. Yes, Scarlett is still in a lot of my pictures, but now, I’m not afraid to stand beside her instead of having her hide me. Thinking back to the beginning and how I didn’t think I could do IF, now I cannot imagine eating three full meals each day.

Keto and IF is a sustainable lifestyle—I only wish I had started my journey sooner. But I’m proud of how far I’ve come, elated with my success, and thankful for the tools and inspiration Dr. Berg provides.

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