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Reversed Diabetes by doing Keto - Guided by Dr. Berg

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By: Neel

Hi, I am from Sri Lanka where true knowledge for healthy living, especially without diabetes, is hard to be found around. The concept of the "keto diet" is not known by a large majority of my society which leads people to simply depend on medication until the situation worsens. Having lost my father 10 years ago due to kidney failure caused by a long history of diabetes, despite all medication, I was desperately searching for a holistic treatment when my mother too was diagnosed with diabetes. Tried many treatments such as homeopathy, traditional Sri Lankan medicine but there was no progress. Then upon a suggestion from a friend of mine about Keto, I began to search about the ketogenic diet and luckily bumped into a YouTube video of Dr. Berg. Once I saw one, I just began to bench watch uncountable videos of Dr. Berg which dawned some light at the end of the tunnel. I guided my mother to do the ketogenic diet as guided by Dr. Berg and in 11 days she came back to a normal blood sugar range below 100, something she had been struggling to achieve for the past seven years. She continued keto for 3 months and her A1C Test results came down from 8.3 to 6.2. she is now continuing her keto diet as well as intermittent fasting and doing great. To me, the most important thing Dr. Berg shares is how the mechanism works inside our body so that we can alter our behaviour and eating patterns to create good health by ourselves. Once you know the mechanism you pretty much know what to do. Thank you Dr Berg! We are forever grateful for all your effort and your team. Keep saving lives! Much love from Sri Lanka. Neel.

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