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Not Tangible but Thank you very much


By: Basel El Ghaiaty

I'm a pharmacist from Egypt. I've known you and started watching your videos recently. I'm really grateful for the type of videos you put both on a personal level and on a professional level. I work as a community pharmacist and using your videos, I was better at giving nutritional advice, asking patients to try some stuff before reaching for a doctor (mild ailments), and giving general health advice.

Most patients are one-time shoppers who I don't see again so mostly I haven't heard much feedback but the idea that if one in a hundred followed my (yours) advice, it makes me happier and satisfied. Above all the most I can say that I've gained from you is having the courage to say the advice (if I already knew it) and I'm sure it translates to patients. Also on a personal level on helping my friends and family.

So thank you a lot. I understand that this may not be the type of story you hoped for but you're awesome and what you do is great and I'm very grateful

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