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Kevin weatherby |My health journey


By: Kevin weatherby

I’ve been working out on and off for the past 20 years. I was pretty much a gym rat, 4 to 5 days a week and at my peak, I was about 250 with 21-inch arms benching over 400 pounds. I could never get really lame due to my diet, I would take away protein and put a bunch of fruit in my shakes. I also was eating it up to six times a day.

I was big and bulky, I liked my size but I wasn’t feeling the healthiest. Due to an injury, the brachial plexus nerve, I had to cut back on the heavyweights and focus on lighter weights higher reps. I was able to get leaner (220 Lbs) when I incorporated a plant-based diet but due to Covid the gym is closed and I was not able to go to the gym for about 20 months.

Fast forward to July 2021, I came across your channel on YouTube and watched most of your videos, and incorporated a lot of the recommendations such as apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, and water before my meals. I also cut back on drinking so much water, which was very difficult for me to do. I was constantly going to the bathroom due to the amount of water I was drinking flushing out all of my minerals and nutrients. I also cut back to only eating two meals a day and between my last meal and first meal of the day, I would go a minimum of 15 hours between. I’m still going to the gym 4 to 5 days a week getting good workouts in, I eat twice as many vegetables as I do any meat and I incorporated more eggs into my diet, and of course the Apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, and water.

Also, I am vested into an air fryer and I’m able to eat more vegetables now, before I could not stand brussels sprouts or cauliflower, but with a little seasoning and in the air fryer every day, I eat two large servings of brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, and sometimes sweet potatoes. I was weighing about 260 pounds with a potbelly and “man boobs“. When I started this new focus on my health and working out at the gym again in the beginning of July. 

Today is September 22 and I’m 231 pounds. I’m sleeping better, my skin is clearer, and I am rapidly losing weight and getting lean. I even use your recipe for the cauliflower pizza, I’ll upload the picture below.

The information you’ve given me has been life-changing. The first 10 to 14 days were difficult because I was hungry but now I do not have any cravings, I have no desire to stop and get that burger late night.. though I did have a cheat day last week and ate two big donuts lol.. I’m pretty much sticking to the regiment…. Thank you, Dr. Berg. You’re awesome!

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