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Michelle M.'s Story

Images Story

By: Michelle M.

Michelle’s weight has “yo-yoed” since she started her career at a desk job in her early twenties. She’s tried many diets over the years and all of them worked for her. Still, after each one she’d end up going back to her bad eating habits, she would relax her exercise routines, and eventually, she would regain all the weight she had lost.

“I had gained a lot of weight after suffering the loss of a loved one and battling the depression that comes with that experience,” said Michelle. “I had thrown all cares out the window.”

In July 2018, she went to her annual physical and her doctor suggested finding a new diet. He scheduled a follow-up appointment for the end of November to keep her accountable.

“Well, I waited until November 5th to start keto after seeing that some folks on the ‘Today Show’ had experienced success on the diet. I began researching Pinterest and the web to learn about keto and I basically ‘winged it’ until my sister-in-law came to visit for Thanksgiving,” said Michelle. “She told me all about Dr. Berg and Healthy Keto, which was a welcome discovery as I was lost and battling some early keto struggles with electrolytes and vitamin deficiency problems.”

From Dr. Berg’s videos, Michelle learned a lot. For example, she learned about apple cider vinegar, which “cured” her heartburn; she learned that most of our problems are related to vitamin deficiencies, that we need to get seven to ten cups of vegetables a day, and that intermittent fasting is super important and helps with healing.

“I have been mostly OMAD since December. I’ve never felt better,” she said. “No more depression, anxiety, inflammation, back pain, irritability, yelling at my kids, feeling tired, or excess weight.”

Her family has been a great support system for her and were open to trying most of her keto recipes. Her son especially enjoys when she makes keto bagels and pizza. Her sister became interested in keto after learning about Michelle’s success. Her sister began keto a week after Michelle and then IF and Following Dr. Berg as well. They enjoy sharing this journey together - inspiring one another, and sharing tips, information and recipes.

In her first month on a keto diet, McKay lost 9 pounds (4 kg), which pleased her doctor at the follow-up appointment. In 9 months, she lost 52 pounds (23.6 kg) and is now maintaining her weight.

“I don’t plan to go back to eating bread, carbs, or sugar,” she said. “I enjoy all the keto recipes that I make and love the way I feel with this way of life.”

Favorite Way to Exercise: “I try to get out and walk as much as possible, and use my home gym to do some weights.” said Michelle. 

Favorite Keto Recipes:  “I love keto bagels, keto pizza, pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, and pumpkin mug cake recipes that I make,” she said. “One of my go-to dinners is a chicken, bacon, broccoli, cauliflower, alfredo sauce, and cheese casserole bake that I make and my family enjoys.”


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