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Anthony Neal's Story

Images Story

By: Anthony Neal

Anthony Neal started his weight-loss journey with keto on December 17, 2018. At the time, he weighed at least 395 pounds (179 kg).

“I was unhappy with myself and my weight,” he said. “I knew that I needed to get healthy.”

During some keto research, Neal easily found Dr. Berg’s videos on YouTube. From Dr. Berg he learned to be consistent and stay below his carb limit. Dr. Berg’s videos on intermittent fasting were helpful as well.

Neal’s wife started keto at the same time so she acts as his accountability partner. “She has been immensely helpful in this journey and had success as well,” he said. “She makes this whole process so easy.”

Although keto became second nature for Neal after only a few weeks, he still found it challenging to give up desserts because he was accustomed to desserts on a nightly basis. He would have started sooner, if he could do things all over again, but overall he’s happy where he is now.

“Seeing the pounds continue to fall off [was encouraging and] the Dr. Berg community on Facebook has been a huge boost,” said Neal. “Beyond the weight loss, [the best part] has been the energy. I don’t need coffee anymore, I can hang with my kids all day now, and I just feel so energized.”

In six months of keto, he has lost 95 pounds (43 kg). “I never could’ve imagined that,” he said. “[The feeling] is night and day. I can get around easier and just feel all-around better. I cannot wait until I hit my goal weight.

“I am just a regular dad of three. I am not special in any way. Yet, this still has worked for me,” said Neal. His advice to others: “Just follow Dr. Berg's guide and you will see success.”

Favorite Way to Exercise: “Simply walking around the block has been great,” he said. “I look forward to weight training in the future.”

Favorite Keto Recipe: Keto Garlic Mug Bread – “Very helpful on the nights when the kids get to eat regular garlic bread.”

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