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It's been a little over a year and I'm happy to say that I went from weighing 245 lbs, to weighing 198 lbs as of today.

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By: Dr. Morgan S.

Hi, my name is Morgan Stuart. I'm 32, and I am a classical guitarist and teacher. I was diagnosed as being hypoglycemic back in 2009 when I was finishing my Bachelor's degree in music at Stetson University. I have always tried to stay in shape and eat relatively healthy. During my Doctorate, however, I would go to the gym less and less and eat fried foods, sweets, etc. I was basically dealing with stress by eating and drinking alcohol. I was able to finish my doctorate in music in 2017, but I was mentally and physically sick from what I had done to myself. When I finished school I was determined to get my body back and my health. I first started out by listening to the Joe Rogan podcast when Dr. Ronda Patrick was on. The episode was about nutrition and the keto diet. Once I finished watching, I was very interested in trying this diet. I found Dr. Berg on YouTube and started listening to every thing I could. I became obsessed with learning about how my body works and what I need nutritionally to reverse my severe Fat Storing Hormone resistance. It's been a little over a year and I'm happy to say that I went from weighing 245 lbs, to weighing 198 lbs as of today. I no longer consume the things that were slowly killing me. I finally feel happy and healthy again. Dr. Berg's YouTube videos have helped me accomplish my goals. I plan on posting my progress on my Instagram page. Link below. https://www.instagram.com/morganstuartguitar/ Thank you for your time and help. Dr. Morgan Stuart

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