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How I lost 10kgs in 3 Months


By: Ruby Arevalo

I suffered from Atopic Dermatitis for 2 decades and I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome in 2009. I only got pregnant after 8 years of marriage. During this time, I had Gestational Diabetes which continued to pre-diabetes post-partum. I weighed between 58-61kgs last year which made me realize that if I want to live longer and perhaps have another baby, I need to start moving again and eat healthily.

When I started doing Intermittent Fasting, I lost 3kgs. then I transitioned to OMAD. During weekdays, I only eat dinner then on weekends I eat lunch and dinner.

I also follow a low-carb keto diet when I eat, drink lots of water, and ACV to control my cravings. What made me lose the excess kilos further was when I combined my eating habits with exercise. I do a combination of Cardio and HIIT. Cardio for 3kms per day then I proceed to HIIT for 15-20 or 30minutes long. Now I weigh between 48-49kgs.

Before, I take anti-histamine almost every day but for the last couple of months, I noticed an improvement in my skin. I don't get rashes anymore. My recent check-up revealed that I am out of the pre-diabetic range. I will be seeing my GP next week to confirm if I am pregnant. I have a video of my wellness journey here: https://fb.watch/cEBFZ5O43q/

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