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From chronic pain in my feet to relief


By: Stuart

I have always been active. I am 61, 6’1”, 181 pounds. I have had chronic pain in my feet for several years. It was getting worse. I couldn’t walk inside my house without wearing shoes or slippers. I have consulted with several doctors. Their recommendations were increase my vitamin B, magnesium, get orthopedic foot inserts, etc. No improvement. I received some relief when I was treated with acupuncture. We have a mini trampoline/rebounder. I started using it every morning for 7-10 minutes. My feet started feeling better. I have been using it for 4 plus weeks. I am really encouraged by the reduction of pain in my feet. A video of Dr. Berg explaining the science and benefits of rebounding helped me understand what I was doing and why I was doing it. Whether it’s my lymphatic system that’s improved or the action of moving/bending my feet while rebounding I don’t know. But it is working.

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