bad toe nail regrowth in OSAS patient with hyperuricemia, hypercalcemia and joint arthritis

Images Story

By: Gianni Montani

More than a success story, mine is a work in progress. I am an OSAS patient with serious apneas diagnosed in 2015 and on CPAP therapy. Since then, I dropped from about 82 kg to the current 67 kg. I completely changed my lifestyle by doing a ketogenic diet for over three years. I have been taking Vitamin D3 and K2 ever since.

Only in the last few days have I tried to follow the advice of Dr. Eric Berg, to take it in the evening and I immediately had benefits in my sleep. Nevertheless, I underwent double surgery for kidney stones a year ago. I have always suffered from hyperuricemia and hypercalcemia. For this reason, I have been taking allopurinol for several years.

After the surgeries, I resumed a balanced diet. I am blood type B. In recent years, I have had progressive problems with pain in the joints and in particular, the joint of the big toe of the right foot which is swollen inflamed and now my nail does not regrow properly. I wear shoes with biomechanical soles. In the last month, I have been paying more attention to posture. I am treating arthritis by taking Vitamin C, SAME, and Glucosamine sulfate.

The situation has improved but it takes a long time for the nail. Thanks for any advice you may want to give me. I congratulate you on the video aids. I enclose an x-ray showing bone growth and a photo of the big toe.

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