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Amanda Wuelfing's Story

Images Story

By: Amanda Wuelfing

Amanda Wuelfing has waged a lifelong battle against overweight. When she turned 40 recently  with two toddlers in tow, she decided she was ready to take control of her health and tired of the excess weight. The last straw landed when the cashier at Walmart asked if she was pregnant.  She knew she really couldn’t put it off any longer.

Between Wuelfing and her husband Chris, their family history includes diabetes, high blood pressure, and ailing bodies. She was already on medication for her high blood pressure. So they resolved, as a couple, to take care of themselves by eating healthy and staying active.

Despite their resolve, and in spite of spending most of 2018 at her local YMCA, Wuelfing couldn’t lose the weight she had gained during her pregnancies. What could be wrong? She had been eating what she thought was a healthy diet, composed mostly of low-fat options. But no success. “I was always up and down until I started keto,” she said.

And keto was a game-changer for her. Her brother had launched his keto life a few months before; his 40-pound (18 kg) weight loss inspired her to give it a try. She and her husband began keto in September of 2018, finding Dr. Berg’s videos and his group on Facebook. “He’s so easy to follow and so insanely smart and informative.”

Before keto, Wuelfing remembers feeling tired, with her brain in a constant fog. “My body was not my own,” she said. “I just couldn’t win the weight battle.” Supported by her husband and tips from Dr. Berg—so at last she understands the proper way to fuel her body—she feels amazing, now.

Wuelfing has become alert and strong, and she has huge amounts of energy. “I am the annoying person at the YMCA class that never stops jumping around and moving,” she said, laughing. “My body is fueled and ready!” Her blood pressure meds have been cut in half, and soon she hopes to be free of them completely.

She fasts from 6:00 p.m. each day until 1:00 p.m. the following day. Even with a morning workout, the fats and ten cups of greens in her diet keep her satisfied. Her encouragement is having the energy to play with her kids and seeing the pounds practically fall off.

After losing 30 pounds (14 kg) in only four months, Wuelfing is excited. “Forty is looking good!” she says. She’s dropped three pants sizes and although there were tough moments during plateaus and holiday feasts, she takes it all as a learning experience.

“Start today, not tomorrow,” she advises others. “[I wish I had] started keto ten years ago.”

Favorite Way to Exercise: Paddle boarding, mountain biking, chasing her kids, and taking classes at the YMCA.

Favorite Keto Recipe: Tuscan Butter Salmon with Spinach. “Remember, keep it simple,” Wuelfing says.

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