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A New Year's resolution that I've actually kept


By: Paul

On January 7, 2021, I was 230lbs. My fit weight was around 182 to 185lbs. I work in Private Security, involving armed protection. I had always been prideful of being in shape. Then, I look in the mirror, I'm sloppy. I own my company, so it's hypocritical of me to want my team to have discipline when I don't. That is honestly what a lot of health is about. Leading a clean and disciplined lifestyle. Well, I committed to Keto in January. I found your channel back then, thankfully. I still eat more cheese than I should. But, I'm happy to say that as I've lost the weight, it stays off. As of today, my weight is under 189lbs. I'm feeling so much better, my gear actually fits. Not to mention, I'm getting so much more done, each, and every day. My business and personal life are both going in the right direction. I turned 49 this past April, but feel better than I have in years. Thank you for all the great information you provide.

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