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A casualty of Covid using sound advice to turn life around


By: Tony

I had always struggled with my weight and the stay at home orders that came with Covid 19 my already sedentary lifestyle (at a computer desk for 8+ hours a day) became even more immobilized. I lost all the walking that came with reporting to an office, plus I was locked down with a fully stocked refrigerator. Not feeling well in March of 2021 and was shocked to find out my weight was a whopping 326. I had type II diabetes and fatty liver disease. I was given meds by the doctor, but all I was told to help correct things was 'eat healthy' and 'get active'. So looking for specifics, I started watching Youtube videos. Dr. Berg's videos were among my favorite places to get advice and I started a form of Keto and intermittent fasting. I've lost 40 lbs of my 100 lb goal in four months. My sugars are under control, and I look forward to my next Dr. visit next month to see what my liver counts come back as. I started walking. I'm up to 1.5 miles every morning and feel much better. I've started my own Youtube channel called, "Fat and Bald With Glasses" to chronicle what I'm doing. I've even referenced Dr. Berg in a couple of my videos. you can see from comparing my first episode to my latest (episode 9) - the huge difference. I have a neck again!

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