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Body Type Quiz: Somatotypes vs. Hormonal Body Types

Somatotypes and hormonal body types are two different methods of categorizing the human body.

Somatotypes are a system created by psychologist William Sheldon in the 1940s that divides people into three different categories: ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph.

These somatotypes describe general body types based on physical characteristics like height, weight, muscle mass, fat distribution, and bone structure.

An ectomorph is characterized by having a slender build and low levels of body fat. This type of body is typically seen as being tall and thin with long limbs. People who have an ectomorphic body type tend to have difficulty gaining weight or muscle mass.

Mesomorphs are considered to be the ideal body type, characterized by having a muscular build and well-defined muscles.

This type of body is typically seen as being strong and athletic with broad shoulders and narrow waists. People who have a mesomorphic body type tend to gain muscle quickly but can also gain fat if they are careful with their diet and exercise routine.

Endomorphs are characterized by having a higher level of body fat than both ectomorphs and mesomorphs.

This type of body is typically seen as being rounder with shorter limbs. People who have an endomorphic body type tend to gain weight easily but can also build muscle if they follow an appropriate diet and exercise routine.

Hormonal body types on the other hand are divided into three main categories - Ovary, Thyroid, and Liver – determined by hormonal levels for each kind.

This type of system is used to diagnose various health conditions such as adrenal fatigue and relates to lifestyle choices made by individuals rather than an overall physical structure.

Both somatotypes and hormonal body types can be helpful tools for understanding individual differences in body composition and managing nutrition and exercise plans accordingly.

What are the four body types?

The four body types are adrenal, ovary, thyroid, and liver. Each comes with unique challenges. Learn more about each of the four primary body types!

The adrenal body type

Common characteristics of the adrenal body type are sagging belly fat and high stress levels. Adrenal body types often experience brain fog, crave salty foods, and find it challenging to stay calm under stress.

An imbalance of adrenal hormones (primarily cortisol) is at the root of the problem—so a healthy diet won’t fully resolve the issues associated with the adrenal body type. Taking the body type quiz is the best way to determine if you have the adrenal body type.

If you have the adrenal body type, stress reduction is key. It’s essential that you get plenty of quality sleep, take time to relax, and actively manage your stress levels with stress reduction techniques.

The ovary body type

Those with the ovary body type hold weight in their hips and below the belly button. Overactive ovaries and estrogen dominance cause the body to accumulate fat in these areas.

Those with the ovary body type are also highly sensitive to endocrine disruptors—including pesticides, fungicides, and herbicides.

If you are an ovary body type, you’ll benefit from supporting your estrogen balance with organic, non-GMO, and hormone-free foods. This body type quiz will help you determine if you are an ovary body type. The most important foods for balancing estrogen are cruciferous vegetables.

The thyroid body type

Those with the thyroid body type store fat evenly throughout their bodies instead of in one area. Slow metabolism is the primary characteristic of thyroid types, and they may experience digestive issues (gas, bloating, indigestion) when they consume large servings of protein.

Thyroid issues result from secondary problems, making it challenging to pinpoint the root cause. Stress, poor T4 to T3 conversion, a sluggish gallbladder, and adrenal fatigue can all contribute to the thyroid body type.

If you have the thyroid body type, you may see the best results when you consume plenty of iodine-rich foods and go on an OMAD (one meal a day) intermittent fasting plan. This body type quiz will give you an action plan if you are a thyroid body type. 

The liver body type

Those with the liver body type typically have a protruding belly, sometimes called a pot belly or beer belly. They may also experience skin issues like psoriasis and dermatitis.

Men are most likely to have a liver body type, though women can be liver types too. Those with the liver body type have a buildup of fat cells in their liver tissue and around other organs.

Taking the body type quiz will let you know if you have a liver body type, it’s essential to avoid alcohol and excessive protein. Instead, consume plenty of salads and low-carb vegetables.

What is your body type?

If you are still asking the question “what is your body type?” we recommend you take the free body type quiz to find out!


What is my body type?

The best way to find out your body type is to take the body type quiz—give it a try! You can get your results in less than five minutes.

What is the most common body type?

The most common body type is the adrenal body type. The adrenal body type is associated with stress and high cortisol.

What is my body type (male)?

Men can be the adrenal, thyroid, or liver body type. Take the body type quiz to find out your body type!

What is my body type (female)?

Women can be any of the four body types: adrenal, thyroid, ovary, or liver. However, women are less likely to be the liver body type. Take the body type quiz to learn about your body type!

What is the ideal body type?

The ideal body type is a healthy body. This quiz aims to help educate you on potential ways to improve your health based on the four hormonal body types. No one body type is better or worse than the other.

Is this the same as a metabolic body type quiz?

No, this body type quiz is based on hormonal body types, not metabolic body types. The three metabolic body types are mesomorph, endomorph, and ectomorph.

Why doesn’t this quiz mention mesomorphs, endomorphs, or ectomorphs?

This quiz is based on hormonal body types. Mesomorph body type, endomorph body type, and ectomorph body type are known as structural body types or metabolic body types.

What is the fifth body type?

The fifth body type is the pancreas body type, which is associated with insulin resistance. Most people are a combination of at least one of the four primary body types and the pancreas body type.