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Your videos fixed many life issues for me including weight.


By: Levi Whitlock

Hi Dr. Berg, I first started looking into keto about 4 years ago. The first time I lost 30 pounds in just a few months' time. But I wanted to learn more and didn't know where to look. I stumbled upon your videos while looking up keto and found so much more than I could have hoped for. Now, I take apple cider vinegar regularly, I do OMAD, eat only organic eggs, eat much more foods with potassium like veggies and fruits, take more fish oil with omega 3's and the list just goes on and on. Each of these is specifically because of videos you covered on their health benefits and let me tell you the changes it made in my life aside from being able to actually lose fat:

1. Having more energy, plain and simple. I have days now where I feel I have too much energy if I don't go to the gym. I don't have drops in being tired like I've dealt with all my life from being diagnosed with Epstein Bar Virus.

2. Focus - I work as a computer engineer and noticed how I am able to comprehend technical documents better and quicker. Ideas come more easily on how to solve issues. I am less distracted by other things going on.

3. Health - Though I still get colds and flu, they last HALF AS LONG. I just barely got over a cold and remembered a video you talked about fasting as soon as you realize you're getting sick. I was better in literally half the time it normally takes for me to completely get over the cold. It was amazing.

4. Sleep - I used to wake up almost every night and be unable to get back to sleep for hours. Now if I wake up, it's only for a minute or two and then I can get right back to sleep.

After all this, my family noticed that I seemed to be in MUCH better shape and having much more energy and focus. I get asked by my parents about what foods I eat. My wife now calls me her "nutritionist" and wants my take on what she eats and take for supplements. Siblings asking about how I keep in shape. Coworkers and friends who I've gotten on keto and have lost hundreds of pounds cumulatively. All this stems from watching literally all your videos, doing my own research to validate your findings, and then putting it all into action. There will always be haters, don't ever let them get to you. You are doing a wonderful work for the world. Thank you for all that you do with your life. -Levi Whitock

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