Supriya Mitra|Thank you !

Images Story

By: Supriya Mitra

Dear Dr. Berg, You have changed my life. For years I struggled with losing weight. It was primarily after having my first baby, I started gaining weight. From there, due to stress tied to work and life itself, I kept on gaining weight. I was beyond frustrated and terrified that I’d continue to be 220 lbs. at 5’2” in height. I just could not figure out the ‘calculation’ behind losing weight as I so often referred to it. I tried Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, Noom, Juicing, and all other sorts of diets, but I simply failed. I had considered cool sculpting and other surgical options as well. There are so many people longing for help and struggling with their bodies out there. I pray that they can find you. Dr. Berg, it was by accident that I stumbled upon your YouTube videos. It was ironically the same day that my husband and son were looking at old pics of mine and simply making fun of me, remarking how beautiful I used to be. I tried everything. If I had not stumbled upon your videos, I would have continued this struggle as I had been for the last decade. Your guidance and instruction provided in the videos changed my life. After watching at least 50 videos of yours and following your specific guidance, I have lost 60 lbs. The best part was it was all free. I just never knew that OMAD plus following keto can help me shed 4-5 pounds per week. I still have not yet reached my goal but I have no doubt that I will get there. Thank you Dr. Berg for everything you do and for not only changing but saving lives. God Bless!

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