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Living again after losing my child

Images Story

By: Velvet Sloan

My story begins as a child who was always active and in sports. My mother always fed us good whole foods our entire lives. She bought the best that she could afford. We always had a huge organic garden and loved all the veggies. Some weeks we fell short of food, especially during those winter months (there were five of us to feed) but she refused to buy the junk food so some days we did not eat! We also grew up fasting in our church group so Intermittent fasting is something that I am used to. Throughout my adulthood, and after having kids my weight fluctuated from year to year. Those times that I gained were always when I began emotionally eating and eating processed foods. I could always very quickly get the weight off by exercising and going back to eating properly. Fast forward to age 44 when tragedy hit. My beautiful eighteen-year-old precious baby girl was brutally murdered just before Christmas 2016. I was placed on medication and treated for PTSD. Cooking homemade meals was one of the joys my daughter and I had shared and made so many wonderful memories together. After she died I just could not bare to see a knife let alone use one to chop vegetables or prepare food as she was stabbed to death. My husband, son, and I began eating fast food. Burgers, pizzas, chinese foods. All the processed foods where I didn't have to prepare but just toss in the oven like lasagna and frozen dinners. I began packing on the pounds! The first two years after her death I gained about 20 pounds. I still felt physically ok but I had lost my stamina and had to consume energy drinks daily along with sodas and coffee. I decided to consult with my doctor about my health and my weight gain. She suggested I join their "weight loss program". They took vitals, I answered a questionnaire and was given Methamphetamine. A THREE month supply of it! So I had lots of energy and think I may have lost almost five pounds the first month. By the end of the third month, I had gained the five back plus three! I waited a few months and was still gaining weight so I went back to the doctor and again was given a higher dose of methamphetamine. I gained almost 15 pounds the second time! I did begin cooking again and we had lots of wonderful veggies in our diets every day! But I adulterated them with pasta, rice, potatoes. All the bad starchy foods! And lots of chips and crackers! By 2020 my body was broken. I packed on ANOTHER THIRTY pounds! I developed rashes that would not go away! I had high blood pressure, chest pains, IBS, leaky gut, bloating, swelling. I was nauseated every day! I had no energy. Mood swings, severe hot flashes, and even started to have bladder leakage. My skin had a terrible color to it. My hair lost its luster. I began wheezing every day for over a year. Steroids didn't help it. I was snoring very loudly, my husband was worried, (and losing sleep). Lol. All I wanted to do was sleep and eat, repeat. One day I noticed I was developing skin tags. I shrugged it off that I was just "getting older". Then I noticed I was getting A LOT of them and some on my thighs. So I did a little research and one of the reasons was Insulin resistance. I was pre-diabetic or maybe had Type2 and didn't even know it! This was bad. My daughter had Type1 DM and always frowned on people with Type 2 because they had a chance to reverse the disease but she had no choice. I knew at the point that enough was enough. I was slowly killing myself with a fork! I was emotionally eating. I slowly started cutting back my portions. Instead of two pieces of toast at breakfast, I ate one, then half until I didn't need it at all. I slowly cut back on sugar. I did this for almost six weeks. Then one day, I woke up to my husband watching a video of Dr. Berg. He was taking NOTES!!! My husband was so worried about me because the weight was still not coming off! That day I watched as many videos of Dr. Berg's that I could possibly watch! I learned WHY I was gaining so much weight. I learned how food was being processed and broken down in my body. I became OBSESSED with learning about the Ketogenic Diet. My husband made a deal with me that he would come off all sugar and carbs and do Keto WITH me. We shook on it! I dove in that day! I threw away all the bad foods and sugar and went to the grocery store and loaded up with all the whole foods! I grabbed some keto strips. I never looked back for a second. I was going to do this! I was already a great cook I just needed some keto recipes. I found Dr. Bergs YouTube channel with his wife, "Keto Recipes" and watched how to make bread, chaffles, fat bombs, all the things Dr. Berg had mentioned in his videos. We went straight into two meals a day! I lost almost 9 pounds my first week! 16 pounds in 15 days! I was hooked. My wheezing went away after 10 days! My bladder stopped leaking. My skin started to have some color back in it. My energy level went through the roof! I have zero cravings, I don't obsess about when I'm going to eat. I don't wish to ever place anything in my mouth that is not nutrient-dense for my body! I can walk down the chip aisle like a beast and not even be tempted. (Doritos are from the Devil) 47 days in I've dropped 35 pounds TWELVE Inches around my waist! I'm 40 away from my goal weight! I'm absolutely obsessed with this lifestyle and want to be a Dr. Berg Keto Coach and personal trainer in 2022 so I can help others, I truly believe I have found my true passion in life! Before Keto I could barely reach to put my shoes on. Now, this is my daily (every other day) routine! 500 Reverse situps 50 Shoulder lifts 50 Lateral arm raises 50 Front curls 50 Reverse curls (Using 5 lb dumbbells in each hand) Aquatics: 100 Verticle jumps (30 sec break in-between each 25 set to keep my heart rate low) 400 Deepwater lunges 49 years old! So many ailments GONE and I'm off ALL medicines, including for PTSD, Blood Pressure and asthma! Thank you Dr Berg for helping me get my life back! You are truly a blessing!! I don't have a full length mirror (they've been banned in my house in recent years, but I plan on getting one soon and will continue to upload progress photos. :)

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Down 85lbs

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