Clinton Tuua Shares Amazing Results - Dr. Berg's Healthy Keto
By: Clinton Tuua
I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes and High Cholesterol. Also, I was experiencing nephropathy in hands and feet, couldn't sleep well and my skin was darkening. I started Keto on Oct 1, 2017 and I was 328 pounds. I started out and experienced all the symptoms of Keto Flu and loved your tips on Mineral Water. That helped me with head aches and dizziness. Your videos were amazing and I don't think I could have done what I've done without your guidance and expertise. I am 254 lbs now. No longer diabetic. I am what is called a "Diet Controlled Diabetic". My numbers are GREAT and my doctor is blown away. He said he doesn't see many patients that can do what I have done. I was consulting him the entire time. It was so good to have a doctor who knew about Keto and encouraged me to do it. I did lab work every month for the first 3 months and then after that I spaced it out to about every 3 months.
I do Intermittent Fasting and Keto. I eat at 1 pm and then another meal around 8pm. No snacking in between. I have lost 74 lbs and feel great. I play basketball at lunch for my exercise. I am still trying to control my cholesterol but am doing great on that. I sleep great, don't snore anymore. I have so much energy. Before Keto and IF, I would come home from work and be so tired. The other night, I clean my garage at 12:30 am and finished at 3:30 am and had so much energy. I know sleep is important and I do try to get good sleep but that night I had too much Coke Zero, so I was wired.
Thank you so much for all your information. You and Keto Connect are the reasons why I am healthier today and loving life. You're the best! Seriously, the best. Thank you Dr. Berg.
I don't have too many before pictures because I was so embarrassed to take them. So this picture is the best i have.
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