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I love this lifestyle and what it has done not only for me but my family as well!!!!

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By: Jana R.

I started my Keto lifestyle on March 20, 2018. At that time I weighed 260 lbs. I was tired all the time, felt horrible about my size, and, almost depressed. My 8 yr. old son is a big sports kid. Currently an ice hockey player. And one day I just thought to myself how I would love to be on the ice playing with him! But because of my size and lack of energy I knew I would never even try. At that moment I said enough was enough... I was done living this way. I decided to turn my life around. A coworker of mine had told me about the keto diet months ago, so I did my research and the following Monday I dove in, never looking back! I am now weighing in at 187 lbs and am continually losing weight. I love this lifestyle and what it has done not only for me but my family as well!!!!

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