8.5 years of healing
By: Jack K Miller
Fired from a job 8.5 years ago, I fired my landscaping company only to discover that I was physically unable to push mow my yard. My daughter talked me into walking and then jogging with her and I started studying health via youtube videos. Along the way, I was diagnosed with a multitude of diseases, including an advanced case of CAD. My widow-maker was blocked 50% and my right ventricle 75%. Fortunately, when told I needed an emergency procedure which would include the introduction of multiple artery stints, I knew enough to ask for a second and even a third opinion. Long story short, I walk almost every day and my capillaries have expanded into "heart bypasses". I did not have the surgery and do not need it. My weight is down from 212 to 143. At the age of 71, I am currently training to run marathons with the goal of being better than the Boston Marathon qualifying time. Out of several other health stories, it is the one about a cyst discovered on my kidney. Surgery was recommended three times to remove a small cyst. The recommendation was made even though the cyst was only 1 cm with the risk of metastasis being low, even if it was cancer, and even though the risk of surgery bleeding out was estimated to be 3%. The most recent scan of it shows it is still about 1 cm in size, after 2 years and is thus most likely benign. On youtube and in the library, there are at least 2 sides presented to every story. I have found Dr. Berg's videos to be the best place to start learning about any health issue. My children, grandchildren, other families, and friends know that I frequently search for Dr. Berg ____ for them and provide them with valuable information about health issues. Sending my many thanks for the honest, straightforward, brief, and helpful videos provided.
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