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The REAL Cause of Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease NAFLD

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 01/28/2024

The REAL Cause of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)

Dr. Eric Berg

Hi, guys. Let's talk about Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. So many people have a fatty liver and it's not really coming from drinking too much alcohol. There are other reasons for it.

non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

Why You Really Have Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

The main reason is Fat Storing Hormone resistance. Let me explain it. This is very important. You see, Fat Storing Hormone is a hormone that helps regulate blood sugar.

A lot of people associate Fat Storing Hormone with diabetes, but Fat Storing Hormone is the hormone that, even in a small amount, converts food, especially carbohydrates, to cholesterol and fat. And it really loads up that liver with fat. So in the presence of a little too much Fat Storing Hormone, you're going to get a fatty liver.

Fatty Belly

It may not even show up as a weight problem at first but it will probably show up in the mid-section as a fatty gut. This is just my opinion - because I've tested it so many times, I've sent people to the radiologist to get ultrasound tests on their liver. If you take someone with a gut, they have a fatty liver. A lot of times, when the liver fills up with fat, it spills over into the gut, and you have this roll around the top section or you have this protruded belly, which is a whole other thing. Here's what happens.

The problem with this fatty liver is that we are not having any symptoms for a very long time. The liver has to be almost completely destroyed - like 90% before it even shows up on blood tests.

fat belly

So you don't even know you have it and it doesn't create any problem until later in life and you'll be surprised. I want to bring your awareness up on this topic because what's happening at the cellular level is turning into cirrhosis, that is, scar tissue. The liver becomes fibrotic and it will lose function over time. It might show up as arthritis and joint problems and fatigue but not at first. The point is you need to be aware it would be a serious problem down the road.

So if you have this cirrhosis and this fat roll, then what's happening is the body releases Fat Storing Hormone. Fat Storing Hormone resistance is when the Fat Storing Hormone is no longer being accepted like it should be in the liver. The liver is blocking it. The signal then (to the liver) goes back to the pancreas and says, "Hey, Fat Storing Hormone is being blocked; it's not going in. I can't hear you."

So then, the pancreas starts producing more Fat Storing Hormone because the return feedback is not connecting. It's kind of like talking to your child, telling him to take out the garbage. He's not listening.

You have to increase the volume and start shouting at him. That's what's happening right here. We have this five to seven times more Fat Storing Hormone than what is pumped by normal people being pumped out by the pancreas. What's going to happen is it's going to create a huge problem with the liver. It's going to start getting fattier and fattier.

Where Eating Ice Cream Daily Got This Patient

I remember one patient who came in and had 95% of his liver completely filled with fat. I remember looking at his abdomen, which was all distended (sticking out) and he was eating ice cream every single night.

I know you're not doing that. You probably know people who do that but if you've been watching my videos, your diet is probably absolutely perfect right now.


How to Restore Your Liver

Here are some solutions to correct this fatty liver:

1. Healthy Eating - Healthy Diet

First of all, you have to know the liver is one of the only few organs that can take a real big beating and regenerate 100%. Liver tissue can come back to life. That's the good news. The bad news is that it takes a bit of time. It could take up to three years of eating healthy to restore your liver. You can't just do it for two weeks.

2. B Vitamin Called Choline

Now, one of the best remedies that dissolves fat is choline and you can buy this from the health food store. It's considered a B vitamin but it's lipotrophic, which means it dissolves fat in the liver. Whatever the dosage is on the bottle, I would triple the dosage. Start taking it on a regular basis.

Again, I don't want you to get the impression that it's just taking a pill to fix your liver. You have to fix your whole lifestyle. You have to fix your eating. You have to take a whole body approach because it's not going to work if you just take a pill and don't change your ways.

3. You Need Certain Types of Vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables are the other thing you need to start eating because they will also help clean the fat out of the liver. If you want something to enhance the process of recovering from fatty liver, you can use something like this.

One supplement is organic cruciferous concentrate that you can use. (See http://bit.ly/Cruciferous-Food) If you have a fatty liver, you probably will take 9-12 capsules a day to help clean it up. You cannot, however, fix this condition without eating tremendous amounts of vegetables.

If you don't like vegetables, you're going to have to start eating them somehow. Maybe in a shake... It's almost impossible to fix this condition if you don't consume vegetables. The things on this list are just enhancements. They're not the cure.


4. No Sugar

The other thing is you may not want to consume any sugar because the sugar activates the Fat Storing Hormone.


So we avoid the sugar, avoid the hidden sugars, eat more vegetables, take the choline and the cruciferous vegetables.

Serious about Getting Healthier? Join My Membership Site!

If you really are serious about getting healthy, you may want to consider signing up for my membership site. Then, you'll have me to guide you. It is do-it-yourself, but you can always ask me a personal question.

It's probably the most cost-effective way to get help because I have over 200 lessons that you could learn from. Here's the link to check it out: https://www.drberg.com/exclusive-membership.

You have a month to test it out to see if you like it or you can get a refund. It's a great program because you get all the details of what to eat, what not to eat, what to do as far as techniques, remedies, things like that. Then you can ask questions and let me be your guide.

This is a really good thing to take the holistic approach and to give you the knowledge, so you would not be suffering from the effects of these conditions just because you're missing some information. I like to give you the whole scoop to help you understand it.

Go ahead and apply some of these tips you learned. I hope this educated you a little bit. Your next step is to get started.

Learn more about the liver and see various Body Conditions from Dr. Berg Video Blog.

-Dr. Eric Berg

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