The Butter and Egg Yolk Myth

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 08/31/2023

The Butter and Egg Yolk Myth

Dr. Eric Berg DC

Traveling on student budget

Let’s talk about the butter and egg yolk myth. I know you have been taught that you are supposed to stay away from butter and egg yolk because they will clog the arteries and cause heart attacks.

But that’s a myth.

Foods like butter from grass-fed animals and egg yolks are actually good for you, no matter what you’ve been led to believe. I try to explode these myths for you whenever I can because the truth is the key in helping you avoid future health problems of all kinds.

And this whole myth of cholesterol causing heart problems is grossly misleading the public, as I discuss here.

Let’s talk about an important vitamin that I think is going to become the next big super-nutrient in the very near future. This vitamin, vitamin K, has two different versions. You have vitamin K1 and vitamin K2.

K1 is from plant sources and that helps your blood to clot and you need this or  you will bleed internally. K2 is from certain meats and actually has a different function to make strong, healthy bones and teeth.

And K2 is found in foods like dairy and butter from grass-fed animals, more specifically, egg yolks, and organic meats, which Americans aren’t as big on as in some other countries. That’s why we need to look into egg yolks and butter from grass-fed animals, or if you have the money, pâté.

What K2 does is to help transport calcium deeper into the body. Vitamin D helps drive the calcium into the blood, while Vitamin K2 pushes it into the bone itself.

If you’re deficient in vitamin K2, you will have calcium that doesn’t make it all the way into the bone and you get calcification of the arteries—all caused by a deficiency of K2.

The best source of vitamin K1- plant sources like spinach, kale, collard greens, mustard greens, and other dark green lettuces, but you also have vitamin K2 which doesn’t come from plant sources, but from the animals that eat vegetables, especially the animals that eat grass.

So, the main two sources of K2 are egg yolk and butter from grass-fed animals—not corn-fed cows that make butter, but cows that actually eat the grass and the butter that comes from them. You can also find vitamin K2 in goose liver, which is what pâté is made from.

So, those are the chief benefits of egg yolk and butter.

Most people are too afraid of egg yolk now, and consequently, they’re missing out on important vitamins that are there.

I consume a lot of egg yolks. I’ve been doing it for 25 years. In fact, I eat four eggs every single day and my cholesterol is good, and I’m very, very heathy. I used to crave butter as a kid and eat just a whole pound of butter and that’s because my body was craving K2. My body was telling me that I needed this nutrient to help mobilize my calcium.

Younger kids need K2, too, because they require more calcium.

The other thing I was going to mention about this is that the Vitamin A in butter from grass-fed animals is 3 times more effective than fish oils, and the vitamin D in butter from grass-fed animals is 100 times more effective than commercial vitamin D – because any vitamin you get in its natural form is going to be heathier than any synthetic vitamin.

So, again, you don’t have to be scared of consuming butter and egg yolks because they’re totally safe.

So, I hope this was helpful to you.

Start trying to get more of the K vitamins into your diet via butter from grass-fed animals and egg yolk. Butter is a little more expensive, but what’s your health worth?! You’ll save money on surgery and medications later, right?! And it tastes delicious.

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Thank you,

Dr. Eric Berg!

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