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The Best Fix for Dry and Wrinkled Skin

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 07/08/2024

The Best Fix for Dry and Wrinkled Skin

Many people search for creams and lotions to help with dry skin. They keep using them, but the effects are often gone by the next day. What many don't realize is that many common moisturizers contain alcohol, which can be extremely drying.

While it might seem counterintuitive, alcohol-based lotions absorb into the bloodstream through the skin. These lotions often end up getting processed by your liver.

Rather than reaching for that lotion, you can use natural remedies that are absorbed more efficiently by the body and provide hyaluronic acid benefits.

Many effective natural products are available. Vitamin E is excellent for combatting dry skin, and you can also try things like coconut oil or tallow.

What is Hyaluronic Acid and What Are Hyaluronic Acid Benefits?

Let’s explore something that can help hydrate your skin from the inside out: hyaluronic acid. Your body naturally makes this compound; in fact, many, if not all, cells in your body produce it.

Hyaluronic acid benefits go beyond just your skin, though; it's also present in your joints. It has incredible water retention properties, with the capacity to hold up to a thousand times its weight in water.

Think of hyaluronic acid as a thin, protective layer surrounding all your cells, almost like a wetsuit. It helps to keep skin looking supple, promotes wound healing, and can even reduce inflammation after a sunburn.

Dietary supplements on a wooden spoon

How Does Hyaluronic Acid Work?

Having enough vitamin A actually increases hyaluronic acid production. This might be why people who are deficient in this vital vitamin tend to have problems with dry eyes and skin. Even the fluid within your eye contains large amounts of hyaluronic acid.

What many don't realize is that after a certain age, this crucial compound begins to decline in our bodies. You primarily start to see a reduction in hyaluronic acid around your 40s and 50s.

By the time you are 80 years old, you will have lost nearly 80% of your natural hyaluronic acid production. This decline can lead to noticeable changes in the skin, such as wrinkles and sagging.

To give you a better idea of the powerful effects of hyaluronic acid, consider the rare genetic disease called progeria, which causes children to age rapidly.

Kids with progeria experience a 20-fold reduction in hyaluronic acid levels compared to individuals who do not have this rare condition.

When comparing images of young skin to those with older, more mature skin, the differences are easy to spot. Older skin wrinkles and sags, making it usually easy to spot someone who is deficient in hyaluronic acid and doesn’t reap its amazing skin benefits.

How Can I Increase Hyaluronic Acid?

You have probably seen ads for creams and injections intended to restore hyaluronic acid. Some clinics specialize in these types of cosmetic procedures.

Many people topically apply creams or take hyaluronic acid orally. Let's address whether it can be absorbed and offer hyaluronic acid benefits if taken orally.

Though some claim you can't absorb oral hyaluronic acid, this isn't true. You might not absorb much, more like 2.5%. However, even that small percentage can be just enough to help replace what you are naturally losing as you get older.

There was once a show hosted by Connie Chung focusing entirely on this topic. During the segment, she interviewed many centenarians in a Japanese village who were still very active and working.

The villagers credited their longevity and hyaluronic acid benefits to a special type of root they consumed regularly, one that was incredibly high in this youth-promoting substance. Foods high in hyaluronic acid can provide an extra boost.

How Much Hyaluronic Acid Should I Take?

It's essential to consider your starting point if you consider using this as a supplement. Consider that an average 45-year-old adult might have between 14-15 grams of hyaluronic acid in their body.

By age 80, this number drops considerably, usually closer to 3.6 grams. This drastic reduction highlights why incorporating foods and supplements that help replenish hyaluronic acid as you age can be essential.

Bone broth and organ meats are great sources of this vital nutrient. More often than not, a dose of 200 milligrams per day is a great starting point to experience the many hyaluronic acid benefits.

It's also important to remember that, as with anything, moderation is key. A word of caution: Avoid going overboard and exceeding the recommended daily amount.

A friend of mine decided to take incredibly high doses because he thought, "if a little is good, a lot must be better." He ended up taking close to 3,000-4,000 milligrams per day.

Remember how I mentioned hyaluronic acid swells up as it absorbs water? Well, since he consumed such a large amount, he began experiencing quite a few severe side effects.

This compound was essentially swelling up in his body. In the end, he found drinking straight brandy helped dissolve it, and eventually, he felt much better. Of course, this isn't something I would recommend doing.

Woman drinking water

Other Tips to Maintain Healthy Skin

For best results in reaping the many hyaluronic acid benefits, I recommend also applying it topically. Be sure to look for a product without alcohol and one specifically designed to penetrate deeper layers of the skin.

Simply wet your hands, place several drops of the product in your hands, and massage it well into your hands, face, and neck once or twice daily.

Along with supporting your skin's natural hyaluronic acid production through proper diet and targeted supplementation, consider other important aspects that can impact overall skin health.

  • Hydration is key. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your skin hydrated from the inside out. Contrary to what some might believe, drinking too much plain water can dehydrate you and even lead to mineral depletion. Consider adding a pinch of sea salt to your water or opting for electrolyte-rich drinks.

  • What you put in your body directly impacts what you see on the outside. Nutrition is crucial in supporting overall health, and this includes skin health. Consume a nutrient-dense, healthy diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, lean protein sources, healthy fats, and avoid processed foods and sugar.


When seeking to slow the hands of time and support healthy aging, many neglect to consider the numerous hyaluronic acid benefits available.

From promoting skin elasticity to improving joint health, the potential advantages make it a supplement worth discussing with your doctor or healthcare provider.

While many methods exist to increase this powerful compound, prioritize nourishing your body from the inside out with healthy lifestyle modifications.

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