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Juicing vs Blending

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 05/21/2024

Juicing vs Blending: Which Is Better?

By Dr. Eric Berg DC

The most common question I get from everyone is, “Which one is better, juicing or blending?” Both have unique benefits and advantages as well as drawbacks. In fact, it might be the best for our health to consider a blend/juice approach to the liquid vitamins and minerals we drink to reap maximum health benefits.

Let’s look at what makes these both great choices so you can see what the best choice is for you.

Juicing and blending

What’s Great about Juicing?

Well, a lot of things. Juicing is fantastic for the chronically ill, even for patients undergoing chemotherapy.

Juicing is also great for any individual trying to overcome a debilitating illness.

The reason juices are so good for helping us get better when we’re ill is because you can concentrate a lot of vitamin and mineral-rich organic vegetables in a little bit of juice. They go down easily and smoothly, and you can take them on the go and enjoy them in a travel mug.

One drawback to juicing is that it’s hard to drink these very concentrated and often bitter juices without adding a fruit to sweeten them a bit. But if you add a fruit, you get the disadvantages of blood sugar spikes, Fat Storing Hormone spikes, and just too much sugar in the diet. Sweetening our juices with sweet fruits and sweeteners will also make it more difficult to lose weight as well.

Carrot juice, in particular, sounds healthy but is loaded with sugar and is very bad for you for this reason.

What’s Great about Blending?

Blending is the best choice for the majority of the population, I feel. You can blend vegetables with a little berry to get rid of extreme bitterness and add fiber. The fiber you get with blending, overall, gives you buffers against the Fat Storing Hormone response and Fat Storing Hormone spikes, so you can enjoy your berries guilt-free.

But the most beneficial about blends is the fiberFiber feeds the gut with healthy microbes. In fact, there are 1 000 trillion microbes in the gut and 100 trillion cells in the gut that thrive on fiber – not bran fiber, but healthy vegetable fiber, which is better for the whole gut population.

My Favorite Blend, Three Days a Week

Juicing and blending

When making my favorite blend, I like to use organic kale. Kale is so healthy and so rich in vitamin A and phytonutrients that our body simply thrives when we ingest it. It is very good for burning fat, for the eyes, for burning fat off the liver, and for the liver overall.

I like dark green organic kale. I get it in these big bags from Trader Joe’s and freeze it so it is always around when I want a brightness-enhancing, energy-enhancing, vitamin and fiber-rich beverage.  

I also like to add parsley. I like freezing little sprigs of folic acid-rich pa

Now, I’m not trying to lose weight, so I put a bit of a triple berry blend in it to add sweetness. And for people who are trying to lose weight, these berries might slow the metabolism a bit, so it would be best, even if it’s difficult, to down a kale-parsley blend as is.

Another thing I like putting in my blends is lemon juice. The brand I like to use is Italian Volcano. This is grown in trace mineral-rich volcanic ash (most of our dirt today has no trace minerals left in it). What’s also great about lemon juice is that it effectively prevents kidney stones.

I also add Organic Raw Wheatgrass Juice Powder which has an extra boost of vitamins and chlorophyll, and has a unique property as well—a growth factor that is good for your skin.

In fact, they use this wheatgrass juice on burn patients because it heals the skin, even with leprosy lesions or diabetic ulcers on the feet. But what’s really good for the body is that it also heals and repairs internal skin, which is important for individuals with IBS or with ulcers in the stomach.

When you blend the kale-parsley-lemon juice-wheatgrass powder and berry (optional) shake all up, it makes about two mason jars full of this blend. I drink one down in the morning, and I save the other for that evening. I do the kale blends maybe three times a week, and the other days, I eat salads or vegetables.

On the days I don’t drink my shake, I don’t feel as bright. When I do drink them, I feel good. My liver feels good.

These shakes are also very hydrating and seem to increase the oxygen levels in my body. I can breathe better when I drink them. I think the parsley might have a lot to do with this. For those who want these cruciferous vegetables in pill form for convenience, I recommend my Organic Cruciferous Food. It contains organic kale, parsley, beet, cabbage, asparagus, turmeric, garlic, and even sea kelp, making it the ultimate in a super food product.

So let’s sum up the advantages of blending and juicing in an easy to remember list.

Jucing and blending on table


Try the kale-parsley, lemon juice (and optional berries) for two weeks. I bet you’ll feel so much better you’ll have to write me and tell me about it.
Overall, both juicing and blending have specific advantages, so really, to get maximum health benefits – try a mixture of both if you juice/blend daily. Perhaps drink juice full of highly concentrated vitamins three days a week, and the high-fiber, probiotic-rich, and skin-healing vegetable blends/shakes four days a week.

I’ll be back with more enlightening health information and in the meantime, try my completely Organic Raw Wheatgrass Juice Powder which is an acceptable juice powder due to low amounts of sugar but super high nutrients - no cleaning, no hassles, just mix and drink.

Thanks for being here.

Discover the benefits of both juicing and blending and see more Nutrition Advice from Dr. Berg Video Blog.

Dr. Eric Berg DC

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