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How to Fix a Stomach Ulcer—5 Natural Remedies

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 09/04/2024

A stomach ulcer is a serious problem, often treated by a medical professional. Standard treatments for peptic ulcers include proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), antibiotics for an H. pylori infection, histamine receptor blockers, and antacids to reduce stomach acid.

These treatments come with a range of negative side effects and do not prevent ulcers from forming in the first place.

Luckily, there are safe, natural ways to help ulcers heal and prevent new ulcers from developing. Find out how to fix a stomach ulcer safely and effectively!

ulcer pain

What is an ulcer? 

A stomach ulcer, also known as a peptic ulcer, is a hole in the lining of your stomach or small intestine. Gastric ulcers refer to ulcers in the stomach, and duodenal ulcers are found in the small intestine.

Most ulcers cause pain, but some go undetected. Many ulcers are caused by a helicobacter pylori bacterial infection, while some have unknown causes. Oftentimes, dietary habits are the root cause of a peptic ulcer.

An untreated ulcer can sometimes develop into a bleeding ulcer. Bleeding ulcers cause internal bleeding, so they are a serious medical emergency. Blood in your stool or vomit could signify a bleeding ulcer.

Check out the video below to learn how to identify and treat a peptic ulcer.

Stomach ulcer signs and symptoms 

Burning pain, especially on an empty stomach, is one of the tell-tale signs of a peptic ulcer. The pain can also be described as gnawing. Some ulcers have no symptoms at all.

When you have an ulcer, food may offer some temporary symptom relief because it coats the damaged area of the stomach.

Heartburn is not always a sign of an ulcer, so it’s important to be able to differentiate between the two. The normal pH of the stomach should be between 1.5 and 3. There's a small valve on the top of the stomach that will not close properly if the pH of the stomach rises and becomes more alkaline. 

If this happens, acid will start to back up into the esophagus, causing acid reflux, heartburn, or indigestion. Food often makes heartburn worse because it further dilutes the stomach acid causing more regurgitation.

You can also try testing your symptoms with apple cider vinegar. If drinking apple cider vinegar with water worsens your symptoms, then you most likely have an ulcer. Apple cider vinegar will often improve heartburn symptoms. 

Vitamin deficiencies typically go hand in hand with peptic ulcers. It’s common for people with ulcers to have deficiencies in one or more of the following: B1, B2, B6, B12, vitamin C, or folate.

helicobacter pylori infection

Causes of stomach ulcers

1. H. Pylori

About 50 percent of the population has helicobacter pylori bacteria in their body. H. pylori does not always cause issues, but it’s capable of causing ulcers in your stomach and small intestine.

H. pylori lives in the mucus layer of the stomach lining and has the ability to neutralize stomach acid. Not only can H. pylori infections cause peptic ulcers, but they also cause brain fog, fatigue, gastritis, abdominal pain, bloating, decreased neurotransmitters, and mineral deficiencies. 



Chronic use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like aspirin and ibuprofen can cause some people to develop ulcers.

NSAIDs damage the mucosal layer of the stomach and small intestine. This causes the mucosal layer to become more susceptible to damage and inhibits its ability to repair itself.

3. Stress

The autonomic nervous system contains both the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems. The parasympathetic nervous system controls the stomach and digestive system, while the sympathetic controls the body’s “fight or flight” stress response.

The stress response of the sympathetic nervous system inhibits the parasympathetic nervous system as a survival mechanism. 

Proper digestion and stomach function work best when you’re in a calm and relaxed state. If digestion and stomach function are compromised due to stress, this can make you more susceptible to developing ulcers. 

4. Idiopathic

Idiopathic is a term meaning the cause is unknown, but there must be some reason you’ve developed an ulcer!

Dietary habits are a major contributor to the development of a stomach ulcer. Excessive alcohol, too much coffee, and refined grains can all cause ulcers. 

Bread, cereal, grains, and other carbs that contain phytates can inhibit the absorption of important minerals like zinc and vitamin E. Zinc and vitamin E are essential for the health and integrity of your stomach lining. 

Hypercalcemia, or too much calcium in the blood, can also cause an ulcer.

Best home remedies for stomach ulcers 

One of the most common remedies for stomach ulcers is Prilosec, an over-the-counter proton pump inhibitor. Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) treat ulcers by stopping stomach acid production. This can be effective, but it doesn’t come without side effects. 

Proton pump inhibitors can cause:

  • Vomiting

  • Gas

  • Nausea

  • Headaches

  • Abdominal pain

  • Polyps

  • Kidney inflammation

  • Increased risk of dementia 

  • Increased risk of bone fractures

  • Increased risk of pneumonia 

  • Increased risk of infection C. diff

There are prescription medications to treat stomach ulcers—however, they haven’t been found to be any more effective than natural remedies. 

In this study, omeprazole was compared to cabbage juice in treating stomach ulcers in rats. Cabbage juice was found to be an effective remedy for treating stomach ulcers. 

These five natural remedies can help stomach ulcers heal naturally without the negative side effects.

1. Keto and intermittent fasting

One of the best ways to fix an ulcer is to eliminate the foods that caused the ulcer in the first place. Not only can a healthy diet help stomach ulcers heal, but it can also help prevent further ulcers from developing. 

Eliminating refined foods and increasing vegetable intake can increase vitamin E and potassium intake. This can help relieve symptoms of an ulcer and promote healing. Intermittent fasting is also effective because it allows the stomach the necessary time to heal.

ulcer heals with cabbage juice

2. Cabbage juice

Cabbage juice is rich in sulfur-containing compounds called glucosinolates. Although they are not vitamins, these potent plant-based compounds are referred to as vitamin U. 

Glucosinolates have the ability to heal ulcers by dismantling and destroying H. pylori. Both green and red cabbage contain glucosinolates, so they both can help heal ulcers. 

Consuming raw cabbage juice is the best way to preserve glucosinolates, because excess cooking destroys them. Steaming cabbage preserves 97% of this compound, so consuming steamed cabbage on a regular basis can be helpful for ulcer healing as well. 

Lactic acid bacteria found in fermented foods like sauerkraut is also effective against helicobacter pylori bacterium. Be careful; fermented cabbage juice from sauerkraut can sometimes irritate or exacerbate stomach ulcer symptoms.


3. Chlorophyll

The average American consumes around 1.5 cups of vegetables each day. To get enough chlorophyll and other essential nutrients, you need to consume 7 to 10 cups of vegetables each day!

Chlorophyll is a potent anti-inflammatory and is very beneficial in supporting a healthy microbiome. Chlorophyll also has healing properties that are beneficial for internal membranes, so it’s able to heal and repair the lining of the stomach.

Sometimes too many vegetables can actually irritate the gut and the lining of the stomach. In this case, you can consume a chlorophyll supplement or get your greens in powder form.  

Wheatgrass juice powder is an excellent source of chlorophyll!

4. Licorice root

Licorice root helps support the healing process of peptic ulcers in both the stomach and the small intestine. Licorice root has potent anti-inflammatory properties and is also an effective remedy for gastritis.

In this study, licorice root proved to be an effective remedy for peptic ulcers in rats and dogs. 

5. Zinc carnosine

When zinc is attached to the amino acid carnosine, it helps deliver zinc directly to the stomach. Zinc carnosine works significantly better than other types of zinc to specifically target gut issues.

Here are some of the many health benefits of zinc:

  • Anti-inflammatory

  • Antioxidant 

  • Supports the mucus barrier of your gut

  • Beneficial for gastric ulcers and duodenal ulcers 

  • Increases wound healing in the digestive tract

Zinc deficiency is another major cause of gastric ulcers. If your body is deficient in zinc, you’re going to make more digestive juices and acid secretions. Consequently, you will produce more pepsin, an enzyme that can dissolve the lining of the stomach.

Without enough zinc, you also won’t produce enough mast cells. Mast cells are important for maintaining the integrity of the mucosal layer of the stomach lining. Zinc also improves immunity and can help you fight an H. pylori infection.

healthy digestive tract

Key takeaways

Peptic ulcers are a serious medical concern with uncomfortable side effects. The combination of these natural remedies and a healthy diet can greatly improve the health of your digestive system and help eliminate stomach ulcers.

In this article you learned how to fix a stomach ulcer and address the root cause of your stomach ulcers to allow your body to heal naturally and prevent ulcers from developing in the future. 


1. Can I do keto if I have an ulcer? 

Absolutely! Keto may speed up the healing process of a peptic ulcer. Removing carbohydrates, sugar, alcohol, and refined grains from your diet is one of the best things you can do if you have an ulcer.

2. Can I have apple cider vinegar if I have an ulcer? 

If you have an ulcer, you’ll find that apple cider vinegar exacerbates your ulcer symptoms. It’s best to wait until your ulcer heals to consume apple cider vinegar. 

3. How can I fix a stomach ulcer?

Cabbage juice is one of the best natural remedies for a stomach ulcer. Fixing your diet by doing keto and intermittent fasting will allow your ulcers to heal and also prevent new ulcers from forming.

Chlorophyll, licorice root, and zinc carnosine are all effective remedies for a stomach ulcer.

4. What does a stomach ulcer feel like?

A stomach ulcer can feel like a burning or gnawing pain, especially on an empty stomach. Some people with ulcers do not have any pain at all.

5. Do stomach ulcers go away?

Stomach ulcers can go away with medication, but they can also go away with a healthy diet and natural remedies. 

6. What are the causes of stomach ulcers? 

H. pylori bacteria is one of the most common causes of stomach ulcers. Stress, NSAID drugs, alcohol, excess coffee, and poor diet can also cause stomach ulcers. 

7. How long can a stomach ulcer last? 

Depending on your route of treatment, most ulcers will heal within a month or two. 

8. How do I know if I have a stomach ulcer?

The tell-tale burning and gnawing on an empty is the most common sign of an ulcer. Eating will usually soothe an ulcer and aggravate heartburn. Drinking apple cider vinegar mixed with water will help soothe heartburn but aggravate an ulcer.

Some doctors will perform an endoscopy to look for an ulcer. 

9. Can stress cause a stomach ulcer? 

Stress is one of the leading causes of stomach ulcers. When the body is in a stressed “fight or flight” state, digestion is inhibited. 

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