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How to be IMMUNE to Pathogens

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 10/12/2024

How to be IMMUNE to Pathogens

Your immune system is your body’s natural defense against illness and infection. A strong immune system is important year-round, but especially during cold and flu season, times of stress, or if you’re exposed to germs.

If you’re looking to strengthen your immune system, there are plenty of things you can do.

Building a strong, resilient immune system isn't about finding a magic bullet. It's about supporting your body’s natural defenses.

We will explore the relationship between your body, lifestyle choices, and a robust immune response to give you practical tips on how to strengthen your immune system.

Understanding Your Immune System

Before we get into strengthening your immune system, it’s helpful to understand what we’re working with.

The immune system is a complex network of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to protect the body from harmful invaders like viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens.

These defenses include physical barriers like your skin and mucous membranes. Your immune system also includes specialized cells that attack invaders.

The Two Types of Immunity

The immune system has two main types of immunity:

  1. Innate immunity: This is the immune system you are born with. It provides general protection against a wide range of pathogens. Your innate immune system includes physical barriers like skin and mucous membranes, as well as cells that engulf and destroy pathogens.

  2. Adaptive immunity: This type of immunity develops over time as you're exposed to different pathogens. Your adaptive immune system is responsible for recognizing and targeting specific pathogens. It remembers past infections, allowing it to respond more quickly and effectively in the future.

Immune defenses

Factors That Can Weaken Your Immune System

Many things can weaken your immune system, making you more susceptible to illness. Some common culprits include:

Chronic Stress

When you experience stress, your body releases a hormone called cortisol. Cortisol plays an essential role in helping you deal with immediate threats.

Chronically elevated levels can suppress the immune system, though. This makes it harder for your body to fight off infections and increases your risk of getting sick.

Poor Nutrition

The foods you eat provide the building blocks for your immune cells. Deficiencies in essential vitamins and minerals, like vitamins C, D, and zinc, can impair immune function.

These deficiencies can also increase your risk of infection. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats can bolster your immune system.

Eating a healthy diet can also make you less susceptible to colds, the flu, and other illnesses.

Lack of Sleep

When you don’t get enough sleep, your body produces less of a protein called cytokine. Cytokines are essential for fighting off infection and inflammation.

They also help to regulate sleep cycles. When cytokine levels are low, you're more susceptible to illness.

Certain Medications

Some medications can interfere with the immune system. This interference makes it harder for your body to fight off infection.

For example, corticosteroids can suppress the immune system. Corticosteroids are a type of medication used to treat inflammation.

The suppression of the immune system makes it more difficult for your body to fight off infections.

How to Strengthen Immune System Response

Now, let’s move on to how to strengthen your immune system's response so you can stay healthy. While a single magic solution doesn’t exist, there are quite a few ways to empower your body’s natural defenses.

Follow these healthy ways to strengthen your immune system.

Minimize Processed Foods and Added Sugars

Just as important as what you eat is what you avoid. Consuming too much sugar weakens the immune system.

Eating too much sugar also makes you more likely to get sick. Added sugars are found in a wide variety of processed foods, so be sure to read food labels.

If you’re trying to strengthen your immune system, minimizing or cutting out sugar is critical. Processed foods often lack nutrients and contain additives that can disrupt gut health.

Get Enough Sleep

Sleep deprivation compromises your body’s defenses. Getting enough sleep helps to strengthen immune system function.

Aim for 7 to 9 hours of good-quality sleep per night to keep your immune system in top shape. During sleep, your body produces and releases proteins called cytokines.

Cytokines are essential for fighting infection, inflammation, and pain.

Stressed man

Manage Your Stress

We talked earlier about how chronic stress compromises immune function. Finding ways to unwind is a vital piece in how to strengthen your immune system's response.

Engaging in regular stress-reducing practices has immense benefits. This can look different for everyone, whether it’s spending time in nature, practicing aerobics or zumba, or simply making time for activities you enjoy.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking enough water is crucial for overall health, and this includes immune function. Water helps to flush out toxins from the body, transport nutrients to cells, and keep mucous membranes moist.

Dehydration can lead to a weakened immune system, so be sure to stay hydrated by sipping water throughout the day.

Fasting: Give Your Immune System a Break

Fasting has gained considerable attention in recent years for its potential health benefits, including supporting immune function. When you fast, you intentionally abstain from food for a certain period of time.

This can range from short, intermittent fasts to longer, multi-day fasts. Contrary to what some might think, fasting, when done correctly, doesn’t weaken the immune system; it can actually enhance it.

During a fast, your body shifts into a state of autophagy, a natural cellular cleaning process. Autophagy helps your body get rid of damaged cells. It also reduces inflammation.

Fasting can promote the growth of new, healthy cells, including immune cells.

Engage in Moderate Exercise

Exercise isn't just good for your heart and muscles. It’s also incredibly beneficial for your immune system. Engaging in regular exercise has been shown to improve immune function by increasing blood flow.

It can boost the circulation of immune cells, and reduce inflammation. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise, such as brisk walking or cycling, most days of the week.

Boost Your Microbiome

A thriving gut microbiome plays a more significant role in immune health than most people realize. This community of good and bad bacteria in your gut directly impacts your immune response.

This impact helps to regulate immune function and protect you from harmful pathogens.

Support your gut health and optimize your microbiome by incorporating fermented foods, like yogurt or sauerkraut, and consider adding a high-quality probiotic supplement into your diet.

Vitamin D and Immune Function: A Crucial Connection

Of all the nutrients involved in immune health, Vitamin D plays a particularly crucial role.

This vitamin acts as a potent immune modulator, regulating and balancing the activity of your immune cells, preventing them from overreacting while also ensuring they’re equipped to handle threats.

Studies show that Vitamin D deficiency is linked to an increased susceptibility to infections and autoimmune diseases. It can also increase your susceptibility to aching muscles.


While you can’t make yourself completely immune from illness, understanding how to strengthen immune system function can go a long way toward maintaining your health and feeling your best.

It is something you cultivate over time through consistent, healthy habits. Remember, it's not just about avoiding sickness; it’s about proactively supporting your body’s natural defenses to lead a healthier, more resilient life.

FAQs about strengthen immune system


How can I make my immune system stronger?

 A multi-faceted approach works best to strengthen immune system function. This includes a nutritious diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and lean protein, managing stress, prioritizing good sleep, staying hydrated, and engaging in moderate exercise.

What food improves immunity?

Citrus fruits, berries, leafy greens, ginger, garlic, and foods rich in probiotics are just a few examples of foods that improve immunity. Green tea also has beneficial effects on the immune system.

What can I drink to boost my immune system?

Staying well-hydrated is key, and water is always the best choice. Additionally, bone broth is rich in nutrients and can be beneficial. Herbal teas like ginger, echinacea, and elderberry can be soothing.

What are the symptoms of a weak immune system?

Common signs of a weakened immune system can be frequent colds or infections that are slow to clear, digestive issues, chronic fatigue, slow wound healing, or skin issues.

If you experience persistent symptoms, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional.

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