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Give Your Kids More Butter

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 04/09/2024

When feeding children, it is always important to make sure they get enought nutrients to grow up healthy and strong. One of the most important vitamins you can provide a child (or adult) with is vitamin K2.

Learn about the benefits of vitamin K2 and how to incorporate more into your diet.

The Importance of Vitamin K2 in Children's Development

Regarding children's growth, we usually think about calcium and vitamin D, but not much of vitamin K2 - an essential element in their development.

The Role of Vitamin K2 in Facial Bones and Teeth Development

Vitamin K2 is essential for guiding calcium into bones and teeth. This nutrient helps shape your child's face structure by influencing jaw formation.

Vitamin K2 and the Prevention of Cavities

Adequate levels of vitamin K can help reduce cavities as it assists proper mineralization, keeping their teeth very strong.

A study found that children with high intake levels had 8% less dental caries than others. A deficiency might impair bone health, leading to osteoporosis.

Dietary Sources of Vitamin K2

When it comes to filling up Vitamin K2, certain foods are champions. Let's explore.

Grass-fed Butter and Cheese as Sources of Vitamin K2

Nature packs a punch in grass-fed dairy products. The vitamin K content is higher compared to their grain-fed counterparts.

Research shows that grass-fed butter and cheese contain substantial amounts of this crucial nutrient.

Other Animal-based Sources of Vitamin K2

Beyond dairy, other animal sources also give kids the boost they need. Organ meats such as liver pack a hefty dose, while egg yolks offer an easy-to-eat option with decent levels.

Fermented Veggies as a Plant-based Source of Vitamin K2

Last but not least, fermented veggies are rich in sources of vitamin K2. For families opting for plant-forward diets or looking for variety, sauerkraut or natto can be an excellent source.

Not only do these provide essential vitamins, but they also support gut health..

Breastfeeding and Vitamin K2

Many of us know the countless benefits breastfeeding can bring to a newborn. But have you ever thought about how it relates to Vitamin K2?

The Link Between Breastfeeding and Vitamin K2 Levels

Breast milk is a particularly abundant source of vitamin K2, especially when the mother consumes foods rich in this nutrient.

When mom eats foods rich in this nutrient (like grass-fed dairy products), her body naturally passes some along through her milk.

From day one, this gives your little one just what they need for strong bones and teeth.

Research found that babies who are only nursed have more vitamin K than those given formula.

Vitamin K is also essential for proper blood clotting. This means that by feeding your baby mother’s milk, you're helping their tiny bodies prepare for any potential bumps or scrapes.

The Interplay Between Gut Health and Vitamin K2

Understanding the relationship between gut health and vitamin K2 is vital for your child's well-being. It is essential to be aware of not only what we eat but also how our bodies process it.

The Role of Lactic Acid Bacteria in Vitamin K2 Production

Did you know that lactic acid bacteria, found naturally in our guts, can help make more of this super-vitamin? These helpful microbes convert vitamin K1 into its far more useful cousin, vitamin K2.

This bacterial magic trick might seem small-scale, but it has significant implications for children’s health. Think about it like a tiny factory inside their bellies, turning grass (K1) into gold (K2).

But remember that to keep these beneficial bacteria happy and productive, they need fiber-rich foods. Feed them well so they can give back with essential vitamins.

Vitamin K2 and Other Fat-Soluble Vitamins

Many may not know that vitamin K2, A, and D are interconnected like a finely tuned machine.

The Synergistic Relationship Between Vitamin K2, A, and D

Kids need this power trio for robust immune health. vitamin A boosts immunity, but it needs vitamin D to help the immune system properly.

Vitamin K2 then ensures no calcium buildup occurs in soft tissues (like arteries), thanks to an interplay with vitamin D.

Together these three nutrients ensure a strong immune system.

Curl of butter

Butter and Coconut Oil for Your Kid

When making dietary choices for your child, you might have wondered about the debate between butter vs. coconut oil. Both of these fats have their unique properties.

Butter, a dairy product, contains essential nutrients like vitamins A and D but is also high in saturated fats. On the other hand, coconut oil, derived from coconuts, is rich in medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) that can provide quick energy.

The choice between these two fats for your child's diet should be based on their nutritional needs, overall diet, and any dietary restrictions or allergies. Always consult a pediatrician or nutritionist to make the best-informed decision for your child's health and well-being.


Vitamin K2 is crucial for children's growth and development, often overlooked in their diets. Vitamin K2 is essential for facial bone and teeth development, cavity prevention, and immune function.

Incorporating vitamin K2-rich foods into children's diets, such as grass-fed dairy, organ meats, and fermented vegetables, is vital.

Understanding its interplay with gut health and other fat-soluble vitamins underscores its importance. Overall, ensuring children receive enough vitamin K2 is vital for their overall health and well-being.

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