Dry Mouth or Cotton Mouth on Keto

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 12/09/2023

Imagine this: you've embarked on your keto journey, feeling the burn and loving it. You're shedding pounds, but there's one little hiccup - a constant dry mouth that feels like cotton.

Weird, right? Not just you, buddy - others experience it, too!

Dry mouth can be an unexpected sidekick to your heroic weight loss saga on a ketogenic diet. Why so?

Well... I'm glad you asked! It all boils down to changes in saliva production, shifts in enzyme activity due to less starch intake (hello, amylase!), and even electrolyte imbalances from potassium or magnesium deficiency.

The good news is we've got some simple strategies up our sleeve - boosting veggie intake or using electrolyte powders can help kick that parched sensation to the curb.

Get ready as we're about to dive deeply into this topic. So, hold on tight!

Understanding Dry Mouth on Keto

A low-carb, high-fat eating pattern known as the ketogenic diet (or "keto" for short) has become popular due to its potential health benefits, such as weight loss and improved blood sugar control. However, like any significant dietary shift, it can have some side effects.

Role of Saliva in Maintaining Oral Health

A common complaint among those new to the keto lifestyle is dry mouth. It's not just uncomfortable; saliva plays an essential role in our oral health by washing away food particles and preventing tooth decay.

We produce between 0.5 and 1.5 liters of saliva daily, equivalent to two to six cups.

This change might seem alarming at first glance, but don't worry - there are strategies you can use to help keep your mouth hydrated while following this diet.

Dry mouth on keto isn’t usually a cause for concern – it’s simply your body adjusting itself during the transition from burning glucose (sugar) for energy towards using ketones produced from fats instead.

Please note: This section does not provide medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new nutrition plan.

The Role of Amylase in Starch Digestion

Think of amylase as a pair of scissors. It snips the long chains of starch molecules into smaller, digestible pieces. Your body produces plenty of this enzyme on a standard diet because you're regularly consuming starchy foods.

Impact of Reduced Starch Consumption on Amylase Production

If you decide to switch lanes and follow a ketogenic diet, it's like hitting the brakes on a high-speed freeway. Your intake of starchy foods plummets dramatically. But what happens to our friend amylase?

Amylase production slows down because there isn't much work for it anymore - less starch means fewer 'scissors' needed.

So when we cut back on carbs (the primary source being starchy foods) and move towards fats for energy – that’s keto - we're also dialing down our need for amylase.

What does this mean? Less saliva production could lead to dry mouth symptoms since saliva contains enzymes like amylase that help break down food. Remember, folks: no road is smooth without its bumps.

Keto foods

Electrolyte Imbalances on Keto Diet

A keto diet, while successful in weight reduction, can sometimes cause electrolyte disparities. This often involves crucial minerals like potassium and magnesium.

Importance of Potassium in a Keto Diet

Potassium is vital in maintaining hydration and preventing dry mouth. When following a keto diet, your body needs around 4,700 milligrams daily.

To meet this requirement without resorting to supplements might seem daunting, but fear not. Consuming between seven to ten cups of salad daily will help you hit the mark quickly.

Recent studies show that leafy greens are an excellent source of natural potassium.

Magnesium Deficiency and Dry Mouth

The other mineral under our spotlight today is magnesium. Its deficiency can make symptoms of dry mouth worse on a ketogenic diet.

Magnesium is pivotal in saliva production - the body's first defense against dry mouth. Magnesium-rich foods like spinach or pumpkin seeds can relieve these pesky symptoms.

Strategies to Prevent Dry Mouth on Keto

The ketogenic diet is an excellent way to lose weight, but it can sometimes lead to dry mouth. Fortunately, this issue can be addressed directly.

Boosting Vegetable and Salad Intake

Increasing your intake of vegetables and salads could be a game-changer in combating dry mouth on keto. Veggies and salads are filled with vital minerals that can help maintain hydration in the body.

You may be surprised to learn that eating 7-10 cups of salad daily fulfills your potassium requirement of 4,700 milligrams. So, don't skimp out on the greens next time you're meal planning for your keto diet.

Using Electrolyte Powders

Eating all those veggies might sound daunting. If so, electrolyte powders can come in handy as they supplement dietary intake and prevent dry mouth by replenishing lost nutrients.

Incorporating these practical strategies into your daily routine will ensure you avoid uncomfortable side effects like dry mouth and reap more benefits from following a ketogenic lifestyle.

The Role of Sodium Chloride in Hydration

Have you ever wondered why athletes gulp down sports drinks? It's not only about satisfying thirst. They're also replenishing lost sodium chloride, a crucial component for hydration.

Sodium chloride, commonly known as sea salt, is essential to our bodies. Not only does it help retain water to maintain the proper fluid balance, but it also aids in nerve and muscle function. This humble compound can be your secret weapon against dry mouth on keto.

Recent studies have shown that increasing sodium intake through natural sources like sea salt can aid hydration levels significantly. But remember - moderation is vital.

Incorporating Sea Salt into Your Keto Diet

Add more sea salt to your dishes or sip homemade bone broth throughout the day. You'll notice how these little changes keep you hydrated and effectively fend off dry mouth symptoms.

Being mindful about including enough sodium chloride while following a ketogenic diet helps prevent electrolyte imbalances that could lead to unpleasant side effects such as dry mouth.

Woman checking her mouth

Oral Probiotics for Dry Mouth

Oral probiotics may benefit individuals dealing with dry mouth, a condition known as xerostomia. A dry mouth can lead to discomfort, difficulties swallowing and speaking, and an increased risk of dental problems.

The benefits of oral probiotics in this context lie in their ability to help stimulate saliva production and maintain a healthier oral environment.

By fostering a more balanced microbiome in the mouth, oral probiotics can alleviate some of the symptoms associated with dry mouth and improve oral comfort and overall well-being.

Incorporating oral probiotics into your daily routine may offer a natural and holistic approach to managing dry mouth and its associated challenges.


So, what's the story behind that annoying dry mouth on keto? It all ties back to changes in our bodies when we ditch carbs. Less starch means less need for amylase, an enzyme crucial in saliva production.

But it doesn't stop there; electrolyte imbalances play a role too! Your potassium and magnesium levels can drop dramatically, contributing to that cotton-mouth feeling.

To tackle this issue head-on, boost your vegetable intake or use electrolyte powders. And don't forget about sodium chloride - adding sea salt can work wonders!

The causes of dry mouth on keto are complex, but with these strategies, you're ready to enjoy the benefits of your ketogenic journey while kicking dry mouth out of the picture!

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