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DRINK 1 CUP PER DAY to Reduce Inflammation from Your Intestines

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 09/14/2024

DRINK 1 CUP PER DAY to Reduce Inflammation from Your Intestines

Ever stumbled upon the term cabbage juice? It sounds like something your grandma might swear by, but hold on.

Before you scroll past, consider this: amidst the sea of trendy diets and superfoods promising to revolutionize your health overnight, cabbage juice stands out.

Not because it's a magical elixir—though some might argue—but because of its grounded roots in science and simplicity.

It's easy to get lost in the whirlwind of health advice bombarding us from every direction. One day, it's kale; the next, celery takes the throne.

But here we are talking about cabbage—that humble vegetable sitting quietly in your fridge’s crisper drawer could be your gut's new best friend.

Skeptical? I was, too, until I dug into what makes this unassuming beverage a contender for those looking to soothe their digestive woes without resorting to complicated remedies or breaking the bank at fancy juice bars.

The Power of Cabbage Juice in Combating Intestinal Inflammation

Cabbage juice is a natural remedy that can work wonders for reducing inflammation in the digestive tract. It's backed by research and critical facts showing how powerful this simple juice can be.

Let's explore the benefits of cabbage juice and how it can help you combat intestinal inflammation.

Understanding the Impact of Antibiotics on Gut Health

Antibiotics are often necessary to fight infections, but they can also wreak havoc on your gut health. Extensive antibiotic use can disrupt the delicate balance of your gut microbiome, leaving you more vulnerable to inflammation.

That's where natural remedies like cabbage juice come in. They can help restore balance and reduce inflammation without the adverse side effects of medications.

The Healing Components of Cabbage Juice

So, what makes cabbage juice so effective at reducing intestinal inflammation? It's all thanks to the specific compounds found in cabbage, like:

These potent compounds work together to combat inflammation and promote healing in the digestive tract. Research has even demonstrated that cabbage juice's healing powers rival those of certain pharmaceutical anti-inflammatories.

Daily Consumption Recommendations

If you're looking to incorporate cabbage juice into your diet to reduce inflammation, here are some general guidelines:

  • For mild inflammation: Drink 4-6 ounces of cabbage juice per day

  • For moderate inflammation: Drink 8-12 ounces per day

  • For severe inflammation: Drink 16-20 ounces per day

The best part? Cabbage juice has minimal side effects compared to harsh medications. You can safely consume it daily without worrying about long-term consequences.

Of course, it's always a good idea to talk to your doctor before starting any new treatment, even a natural one like cabbage juice. But for most people, adding this potent juice to their diet can make a big difference in managing intestinal inflammation.

Ready to give cabbage juice a try? Here's a simple recipe to get you started:

  • 1/2 head of green cabbage

  • 1 apple

Supporting Your Microbiome with Diet

Your gut is home to trillions of microorganisms. This complex gut microbiome ecosystem is crucial to your overall health.

An imbalanced microbiome can lead to inflammation and a host of digestive issues. However, the silver lining is that you can nurture your digestive well-being with what you eat.

Incorporating diverse, nutrient-rich foods like cabbage juice can make a difference.

Cabbage juice, in particular, has been shown to have potent anti-inflammatory properties. But cabbage juice is just one piece of the puzzle. A truly gut-friendly diet is all about variety.

The Role of Cruciferous Vegetables

cruciferous vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables, like cabbage, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts, are superstars regarding gut health. They're rich in fiber, which feeds the beneficial bacteria in your gut.

But that's not all. Cruciferous veggies also contain unique compounds called glucosinolates. When you chew or chop these vegetables, glucosinolates are converted into bioactive compounds that have been shown to have anti-inflammatory and even anti-cancer properties.

So, load up your plate with a rainbow of cruciferous vegetables. Your gut will thank you. But remember, variety is vital. While cabbage and its cruciferous cousins are powerful allies for your gut, they're not the only players.

A gut-friendly diet includes a wide array of fiber-rich fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. Each of these foods brings its own unique set of nutrients and beneficial compounds to the table.

So, think of your diet as a garden—the more diverse the plants, the healthier the ecosystem. The same is true for your gut.

Feeding your gut's microbiome a colorful array of plants is like building the bedrock for a joyful, robust digestive system. A happy gut is the cornerstone of a healthy body.

So, start exploring the vibrant world of gut-friendly foods. Dive into novel culinary adventures, play around with diverse veggies, and above all, dare to venture beyond your usual boundaries.

Diving into this adventure, you're not just spicing up your meals but also giving a massive boost to your well-being.

Practical Tips for Incorporating Cabbage Juice into Your Diet

You've heard about the incredible benefits of cabbage juice for reducing intestinal inflammation. But how do you make it part of your daily routine?

Here's the good news: it's easier than you think. With a few simple tips, you can start enjoying the healing power of cabbage juice today.

Choosing the Right Cabbage

Not all cabbages are created equal. When it comes to juicing, you want to choose a cabbage that's fresh, crisp, and packed with nutrients.

Look for a cabbage that's heavy for its size, with bright green leaves that are free from blemishes. Organic is always best, ensuring you get the most nutrient-dense juice possible.

Red cabbage is a great choice, as it contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds. But green cabbage works well, too, and is often more readily available.

ulcer heals with cabbage juice

Making Cabbage Juice at Home

Making your cabbage juice at home is simple, ensuring you get the freshest, most potent juice possible. Here's how to do it:

  1. Wash your cabbage thoroughly, removing any outer leaves that are wilted or discolored.

  2. Chop the cabbage into pieces that will fit easily into your juicer.

  3. Feed the cabbage pieces through your juicer, and collect the juice in a glass or mason jar.

  4. If you fancy, you can enhance the concoction by incorporating elements known for their anti-inflammatory prowess, such as ginger, turmeric, or apple.

  5. Drink the juice immediately for maximum nutritional benefit.

To ensure you're getting the most out of your cabbage, utilizing a top-notch juicer that can efficiently extract every last drop is crucial.

Masticating juicers are often considered the best choice, as they operate at a lower speed and generate less heat, preserving more of the cabbage's delicate nutrients.

If you don't have a juicer, blend the cabbage in a high-speed blender and strain the pulp using a nut milk bag or cheesecloth. It's a bit more work, but still an effective way to get your daily dose of cabbage juice.

Aim to drink your cabbage juice on an empty stomach at least 30 minutes before a meal. This allows your body to fully absorb all the beneficial compounds without interfering with other foods.

Start with a small amount, around 2-4 ounces daily, and gradually work up. By adopting this strategy, you can effortlessly track your body's reaction and tweak it accordingly to achieve optimal outcomes.


So, we've ventured through cabbage juice together, unearthing its humble yet potent power in soothing our gut's cries for help.

Far from being a fleeting trend, this celebrates nature's simple yet powerful healing ability.

With its rich tapestry of nutrients designed to combat inflammation and support our microbiome, Cabbage juice stands as a beacon of hope for those battling digestive woes.

It’s not about jumping on every new diet bandwagon but embracing a solution rooted in science and simplicity.

We learned that amidst the chaos of modern remedies and quick fixes lies this gentle giant ready to lend us its healing prowess without asking for much in return—just a bit of space in your daily routine.

Whether you're juicing it fresh at dawn or sipping it quietly as dusk falls, cabbage juice is more than just liquid—it's liquid gold for your intestines.

Let this be more than mere information; let it transform how you view what goes on your plate and into your body. Because sometimes, the answer doesn’t lie out there among the stars but right here at home—in our kitchens.

And remember: when life gives you cabbages, make cabbage juice.

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