Consequences of High Estrogen in Men

We usually associate estrogen with women, and consider testosterone the male hormone. This isn’t entirely accurate because both are present in everyone’s bodies. However, it’s true that higher amounts of estrogen tend to be present in females than in males.
Sometimes, though, hormones get thrown out of balance, and men can end up with excessive amounts of estrogen. If you are or someone you care about is a man with high estrogen levels, I want you to be aware of the dangers that estrogen dominance poses.
Most people think it’s only a matter of developing embarrassing “man boobs” - as if that wasn’t bad enough. But there’s much more to high estrogen in men than unsightly jiggly breasts. In fact, estrogen dominance is linked to serious risks to your cardiovascular and prostate health, among other conditions such as infertility and erectile dysfunction.
In this article, I’ll explain:
- How excess estrogen affects your health
- Why you develop high estrogen
- What you can do to normalize your estrogen levels
Let’s take a look.
Your Cardiovascular Risk Increases
When you have excess estrogen, alternatively known as estrogen dominance, you’re at higher risk of a stroke. A stroke happens when something like a blood clot interrupts or sharply reduces the blood supply to part of your brain. Your brain tissue then can’t receive oxygen and nutrients. Brain cells begin to die in minutes.
Stroke is the fifth leading cause of death, and a leading cause of disability in the US.
Your risk of stroke is higher because excess estrogen increases your chances of getting blood clots. A blood clot is called thrombosis, and it occurs when the clots block a vein or artery. The particular type of estrogen called estradiol is often found in elevated levels of someone who’s had a heart attack, as well as in men who have atherosclerosis.
In other words, too much estrogen is dangerous to your cardiovascular system.
Your Prostate Could Enlarge
When you have estrogen dominance, your prostate could start to enlarge. An enlarged prostate can be more of an annoyance than anything else: it can block your urethra and lead to problems urinating. But left untreated, it can lead to more serious issues like bladder, urinary tract, or kidney problems.
The reason your prostate - and breasts - enlarge when you have an excess of estrogen, is because estrogen is what’s known as an anabolic hormone; meaning, it grows things.
The underlying question becomes: why do men become estrogen dominant in the first place? After all, it’s not like you’re knowingly ingesting estrogen.
You may be surprised at the primary reasons why your estrogen levels get too high. Let’s dig in and take a closer look.
Why Men Become Estrogen Dominant
I don’t blame you if you’re wondering how the heck you end up with an excess of estrogen in your body.
Well, there are several primary reasons:
It could be the soy products you’re consuming. When you consume soy, you’re taking in the phytoestrogens which are compounds within the soy plant that are similar in structure to the estrogen in your body.
When I say it’s the soy you’re eating, I don’t mean the organic tofu, miso soup, or other fermented soy products like natto. Rather, what I mean are substances like soy oil, soy protein isolates, and the soy products you find in many vegetarian foods. Unfermented soy products can stimulate breast cancer growth and compromise thyroid function, along with the other issues I’ve mentioned. For more information on how the Thyroid can affect your body composition see the article Thyroid Body Type.
As you can see, consuming fermented soy products isn’t the issue.
Endocrine Disruptors
Elevated estrogen levels could also come from something called endocrine disruptors, which can either mimic or interfere with your body’s hormones, including estrogen. Endocrine disruptors are found in many products, including insecticides, pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides. They’re also common in everyday products like the lining of canned foods, plastic food containers, and some children’s toys.
Endocrine disruptors can have the effect of mimicking estrogen in your body; in fact, so much so that sometimes they’re also called estrogen disruptors. And the more you have in your body, the more effects of too-high estrogen you may experience.
But that’s not all.
Commercial Dairy
If you consume a lot of commercial dairy, this could increase your estrogen levels. Milk from commercial dairies is often obtained from pregnant cows. When pregnant, a cow’s milk contains high amounts of estrogen. Then, when you consume commercial dairy, the chances are quite high that you’re taking in extra estrogen that can raise your own estrogen levels and affect your health.
In addition to everything I listed above, there’s something else that has an even more pronounced effect.
An Excess Of This One Enzyme Could Be The Primary Reason You Have Too Much Estrogen
The conversion of testosterone to estrogen by an enzyme called aromatase could be a significant reason that your estrogen is too high. If you have too much aromatase, that could be the number one source of estrogen in your body. The aromatase is simply converting your testosterone to estrogen and throwing these crucial hormones out of whack.
When testosterone and estrogen become unbalanced, your health is affected. Most of us know that testosterone is the most significant hormone for a man’s sexual function. But did you realize that estrogen needs to stay in balance with your testosterone, in order to help control your sex drive, your ability to have an erection, even ensure your sperm production?
As well, when your testosterone drops too low, you lose your energy and motivation. Your lean body mass fades away.
You start developing breast tissue. Your prostate enlarges. Your risk increases for the other problems I’ve mentioned, such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, and erectile dysfunction.
As you can see, excess aromatase is a problem. Fortunately, it’s a problem with a simple solution.
First, let’s take a look at where aromatase comes from.
How To Reduce This Problematic Enzyme
The source of aromatase may surprise you. It’s your belly fat. Yes, having too much fat in your midsection increases aromatase.
The solution?
You could take something called an aromatase inhibitor which, as its name implies, blocks your aromatase.
There are some natural aromatase inhibitors:
DIM, which is a concentrated form of cruciferous vegetables. Cruciferous vegetables themselves include kale, broccoli, and cabbage, and are a natural source of aromatase inhibitors.
So too is stinging nettle root, a natural herb that’s not only an aromatase inhibitor, but is good for inflammation.
But there’s a much more effective and long-lasting way to rebalance your estrogen.
The Best Thing You Can Do To Rebalance Your Estrogen
The most effective action you can take is to lose your belly fat by reducing your overall Fat Storing Hormone levels.
Fat Storing Hormone is the fat-storage hormone. It instructs your body to store fat as a survival mechanism, as a hedge against famine. When your Fat Storing Hormone is elevated, you simply can’t lose that belly fat because your body is hanging on to it for all its worth.
I know what you’re thinking.
“Okay, fine, but just how do I get rid of this gut? Easier said than done!”
Fair question. So, let’s take a look at the answer.
If you’ve been following me for awhile, you already know what I’m going to say; but, for those of you who are new to my channel, the key is to go on the Healthy KetoTM diet. Then, combine keto with intermittent fasting to really drop that weight, reduce your belly fat, and lower the source of aromatase that keeps converting your testosterone to estrogen.
Admittedly, you could choose not to. You could reduce your intake of unfermented soy and commercial dairy.
You could keep on with your current lifestyle and take an aromatase inhibitor.
Maybe that’s all you feel up to right now.
But if you really want to get your estrogen levels back to normal, go on the keto diet.
Not only will this be the best thing you can do to normalize your estrogen levels, but your overall health will also improve.
You can lower your Fat Storing Hormone and blood sugar levels. Feel way more energetic. Banish that brain fog that drives you crazy when you can’t think straight.
How To Get Started To Bring Your Estrogen Back To Normal
I know there’s a ton of information out there about keto and intermittent fasting. If you’ve taken the time to do even a little bit of research, you’ll find all kinds of information on these two topics. And you’ve probably discovered it’s like going down the rabbit hole.
You search, and read, and click on links, until you’re ready to throw up your hands in exasperation. I know it can be really confusing to try to figure out where to start.
Don’t worry, I’ve got your back.
I’ve put together a video for you with the basics of how to get going successfully with keto and intermittent fasting.
And I can’t wait to hear about your success!
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Disclaimer: Our educational content is not meant or intended for medical advice or treatment.
Editor’s Note: This post has been updated for quality and relevancy.
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