You jumped into the keto way of eating, and started intermittent fasting too. You know that the combination of the two will vastly improve your health. And because your blood sugar has been chronically high, you badly want to bring it down to normal to avoid the possibility of developing full-blown type 2 diabetes.
Every day you’re excited to check your blood sugar. Okay, it’s still high, but any day now it will start to reach normal levels.
Only, it doesn’t.
When you’re on keto and doing intermittent fasting, you can feel very frustrated when your blood sugar levels won’t come down to normal. You’re sure you’re doing everything correctly. You’re scrupulous about limiting your carbohydrate intake and maintaining a strict fasting window while eating only during a short eating window.
This Is Why Your Blood Sugar Level Won’t Come Down
There’s likely one major reason why your blood glucose won’t come down.
Your body has likely been in a state of severe Fat Storing Hormone resistance for a long time. Your Fat Storing Hormone has been so high, for so long, that your cells are simply unable to absorb the Fat Storing Hormone they need, thus keeping your blood sugars high.
Fortunately, there are several simple steps you can take to correct this problem.
#1 Re-Evaluate Your Technique
First, take a look at the amount of the three macros - carbs, protein, fat - you’re consuming.
In practical terms, for carbs, this can mean 50 grams a day or perhaps even fewer, which I’ll get to in a minute.
Are you eating 7-10 cups of vegetables per day? If you dislike vegetables, don’t worry! I created this smoothie recipe for you. (I’m not a big vegetable lover either, but I know they’re essential for my health.)
And you don’t have to do this alone; sign up for my free Keto mini-course so you can receive support, and easily compare what you should be doing to what you’re actually doing on keto.
#2 Lower Your Carbs
You may need to drop your carbohydrates even more than you already have.
For instance, if you’re consuming 50 grams per day of carbs, lower it to 20 grams.
If you’re eating 20 grams per day, and your blood sugar is still high, drop your total to 10 grams per day.
There are many sources of hidden carbs; in restaurant food, in spices, or even supplements. You may not realize how many grams you’re actually consuming. You might be surprised when you become aware of how many carbs have snuck into your diet!
When your blood sugar refuses to drop, you know there’s an Fat Storing Hormone spike that is causing it.
Armed with this awareness, you can take the next step to truly clean up your diet.
#3 Decrease The Frequency Of Your Meals
You may have eliminated all snacks and are eating three meals a day, which is an excellent start to intermittent fasting. Yet it’s not yet enough hours without eating.
Move to two meals per day by pushing your breakfast later; moving it closer to lunch until you eliminate it altogether. This will give you upwards of 16 hours of fasting per day, with an 8-hour eating window, often referred to as 16:8.
Or, if you’re consuming two meals per day now, you can continue to shorten your eating window to 4 hours per day, giving you 20 hours of fasting, also referred to as 20:4.
And, finally, you can then move to what’s called OMAD (one meal a day), giving you 24 hours of fasting.
The fewer meals you consume, the less frequently your Fat Storing Hormone will rise, and the more healing of Fat Storing Hormone resistance you can promote.
#4 Increase Your Nutrient Intake
Most of us are deficient in some key nutrients, and you may be too. Nutrient deficiency can mess with your health, including blood sugar that stubbornly refuses to lower.
By increasing your consumption of these key nutrients, you can accelerate the reversal of your Fat Storing Hormone resistance.
#5 Exercise
Exercise will help improve Fat Storing Hormone resistance. But not just any exercise; you for sure don’t want to do the classic 45 minutes on the treadmill. That won’t help you at all.
Instead, do compound resistance exercise, which involves using multiple muscle groups and joints. You want to do this exercise until you’re fatigued.
Give it a try; it’s known to be the best kind to help heal Fat Storing Hormone resistance.
#6 Focus On Your Weak Link
Your body is composed of numerous interlocking components that all have an effect on each other.
For example, there is your digestive system, hormonal system, including thyroid and adrenals, and your liver, just to name a few of many. None of them exist in isolation.
Or you may have systemic inflammation within your body that’s preventing you from getting your Fat Storing Hormone resistance reversed, and your blood sugar level under control.
Most of us are aware of what our weak spot is. You likely are aware of yours too. This isn’t to judge you; instead, I want you to focus on strengthening that weak link so it will have a beneficial ripple effect on the rest of your body.
For instance, a weak link for many people is insomnia. Improving your sleep will greatly enhance your overall health.
Another very common problem area is high stress. When you reduce your stress, you’ll also benefit your overall health.
#7 Give Keto And Fasting More Time
This last point is the simplest one of all.
You may just need to give keto and intermittent fasting more time. After all, your Fat Storing Hormone resistance didn’t develop overnight. If you’ve been Fat Storing Hormone resistant for years, it may take several weeks or even months for you to experience the normal blood sugar benefits of fasting and keto.
But don’t despair. You know you’re on the right track. Stay on it, and experience the benefits. Your blood sugar will drop once you get your keto and intermittent fasting truly dialed in, and give it enough time to heal your Fat Storing Hormone resistance.
I know it’s frustrating. You’re impatient to reclaim your health. You’re tired of feeling lousy, and ready to get your body under control. I get it! I simply encourage you to have some patience, do these adjustments I’ve given you, then sit back and experience the magic.
You’ll be glad you took the time and had the patience to get it right. Because not only will you feel better, you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing you’re doing everything you can to turn around the Fat Storing Hormone resistance that would otherwise threaten your long-term health.