Bunions are a common foot problem. This deformity in the big toe area can be uncomfortable, painful, and even interfere with your ability to walk normally or wear shoes. So how can you get rid of the pain? Do you need to get special shoe inserts or even to get bunion surgery? In this article, I'll share with you the best technique for bunion pain. It is easy, straightforward, and uncomplicated.
All it takes to help pain from this foot problem is a set of hands, some gentle pressure, and perhaps the help from a loved one.
Let's start with an overview of this foot condition. What are bunions, what causes them, and what are the symptoms?
What are bunions?
Bunions are calcium deposit protrusions that form on the side of the joint of the big toe. They are medically known as hallux valgus. "Hallux" means big toe, and "valgus" means turned away from midline of the body.
This is because the deformity occurs when the big toe moves away from the middle towards the other toes, with the joint of the toe starting to stick out.
Over time, the bunion grows on the toe, getting bigger and more affected. Eventually the area becomes inflamed, and the entire joint area can become very painful and red.
The protrusion makes it difficult to even wear shoes. Most shoes don't leave space for the toe to jut out as it does, and they put pressure on the area.
Putting pressure on a bunion should always be avoided, because it will only make the problem worse.
What causes bunions?
There are many different factors that can add up to cause the formation of bunions. It is a hereditary problem, so it runs in families. The combination of having a certain kind of foot type along with long-term pressure on the toes can result in bunions.
Having flat feet, low arches, and arthritis are all associated with bunions. And anything that puts abnormal pressure on the big toe joint on a long-term basis can bring them on. For example, wearing high heels or narrow shoes that crowd the toes is bad for them.
Symptoms of bunions
You'll know you have a bunion if you experience these symptoms:
A bulge or bump on the knuckle of the big toe.
Swelling or redness at the base of the big toe.
Hammertoes, calluses, or corns on the nearby toes.
Pain in the rest of the foot, including the ball of the foot or the arch.
Restricted movement of the big toe.
The big toe pressing on the others can cause problems in the other toes, and misalignment of the whole foot. That can create pain all over your foot and difficulty walking.
The symptoms can get so bad that many people end up getting bunion surgery. But what if I told you that you could get rid of the pain and avoid bunion surgery?
I'm going to share with you a simple technique for bunion pain that is very effective and easy to do.
How to relieve bunion pain
Common advice for bunion treatment involves avoiding high-heeled and pointed-toe shoes, using orthotics and shoe inserts, trying a splint, taking over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen, and icing the area, to name a few.
Good foot care and wearing the right shoes can help. But I have a really great solution that is so much more simple than splints, medications, or surgery.
You can try this best technique for bunion pain from the comfort of your own home and without any special equipment.
In the video above, I give a step-by-step demonstration on how to do this technique. Watch the video, or follow the instructions below to give it a try yourself.
If you can gather the help of a friend, then do. They can help to massage and stimulate the area to help you get relief from your pain.
There are two approaches. One for if you have just one bunion, and another if you have bunions on both feet.
If you have bunions on just one foot:
If you only have a bunion on one foot, then the best way to relieve your pain is to stimulate the opposite foot. Follow these steps:
Sit or lie down with your feet flat on the floor.
Locate the area on your opposite, healthy foot where the bunion would be. This will be at the base of the big toe joint.
Using your thumb or fingers, stimulate that area on your good foot. If you have a friend around, have them do this for you.
Apply pressure and massage for about a minute.
If you have bunions on both feet:
When you have two bunions, one on each foot, you cannot press on the opposite toe to relieve your pain. That would only make things worse, because you never want to put pressure on an existing bunion. Instead, you will stimulate the opposite side of the joint from the bunion on each foot. Follow these steps to try the technique:
Sit or lie down with your feet flat on the floor.
Start with your right foot. Place your thumb on the other side of your big toe joint, opposite of the bunion.
Press in with your thumb to that area on the other side of the knuckle. It will likely feel tender and sore. Again, having a partner do this can be helpful, so that you don't have to reach down to your feet.
Apply light pressure and gently massage, stimulating the area for about a minute.
Repeat on the other foot.
After trying either of the techniques above, stand up. What should happen is that your pain will likely have decreased a lot.
It won't get rid of the deformity, but getting rid of the pain is the real issue. If you can relieve your toe and foot pain, then you can wear shoes comfortably again and walk around without discomfort.
Decreasing your pain with this effective technique can make a big difference.
Try similar techniques for other types of pain
The principles of this bunion remedy can be used for other types of pain as well. Acupressure (which is the name for techniques where you use your hands to apply pressure to stimulate a specific area) can be used for back pain, surgery pain, and more.
Acupressure stimulation is a wonderful tool for relieving pain of all types and for supporting the improvement of symptoms of various conditions.
Bunions are a fairly common foot health problem. They are often associated with genetics, arthritis, having certain foot types, and putting pressure on the toe joint with narrow shoes, for example. And they can lead to very painful and uncomfortable symptoms.
If you have bunions, you don't want to have to get bunion surgery to get rid of your bunion symptoms. If you can get rid of your pain without invasive techniques? Then all the better.
And that is exactly what I am proposing you try. So let's get you free from pain, able to walk, and wearing shoes comfortably again.
All it takes is a simple stimulation of the area opposite of the bunion pain. Follow the instructions above and watch me demonstrate how to do it in the video. And then let me know how the technique works for you.
Go ahead and try it out, and leave your comments below.