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Amazing Magnesium

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 07/08/2024

Magnesium is absolutely crucial for your health. It’s involved in over 300 processes in your body, including muscle contractions and regulating blood sugar levels.

So, it’s not hard to see how magnesium deficiency symptoms could throw off your entire system. Many people with magnesium deficiency don't realize it until they start experiencing tell-tale signs, because the symptoms can be quite subtle at first.

Because magnesium plays a key role in so many bodily functions, magnesium deficiency symptoms can be quite diverse. These symptoms can affect your energy levels, sleep, and even your mood.

It’s important to recognize magnesium deficiency symptoms early on and address the deficiency before it potentially leads to bigger problems.

Magnesium's Role in Your Body

Magnesium is an essential mineral and a true powerhouse within your body. It’s actually the fourth most abundant mineral in your body.

Magnesium acts like a busy bee, playing a crucial role as a cofactor, meaning it helps enzymes (those important protein catalysts) to kickstart various biochemical reactions throughout your system.

Think of magnesium like the choreographer of your body's well-coordinated dance. Without enough magnesium, things start to fall out of sync.

This can have a negative impact on many important body functions, such as energy production, muscle and nerve function, and blood sugar control.

Energy Production

Magnesium is essential for energy production in your cells. One of its most crucial roles is supporting a process within the mitochondria where fuel and oxygen mix to create energy, contributing to your total daily energy expenditure.

If you’re deficient in magnesium, it's like running low on fuel; your body simply can't produce the energy it needs. This can lead to feelings of constant fatigue and lethargy, which are common magnesium deficiency symptoms.

Muscle & Nerve Function

Every time you move, your muscles are contracting and relaxing. Magnesium plays a significant role in this process, impacting your muscle and nerve function. Magnesium is also vital for regulating nerve impulses, which directly affect how your body communicates.

Think of nerve impulses as messengers delivering crucial information throughout your system. Magnesium helps to prevent those messages from getting jumbled.

When those nerve impulses don’t fire properly because of a magnesium deficiency, it can lead to involuntary muscle spasms, cramps, and those annoying eye twitches you might get.

Blood Sugar Control

Magnesium plays a crucial role in regulating blood sugar levels. It helps improve your body’s response to insulin, a hormone that regulates glucose (sugar) in the blood.

When your magnesium levels are low, your cells may become less responsive to insulin, leading to elevated blood sugar levels and potentially increasing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Recognizing the Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency

So how do you know if you're low in this essential mineral? Recognizing the symptoms is the first step to restoring balance and improving your magnesium levels.

Early Signs

  • Fatigue and low energy levels, even after a good night's sleep.

  • Muscle cramps, especially in your calves or feet.

  • Eye twitches.

  • Headaches, which could be signs of high blood pressure, or even migraines.

  • Constipation.

  • Irritability, anxiety or feeling "on edge".

Those magnesium deficiency symptoms are the early warnings. Now, if you ignore them, the deficiency can worsen and become more serious, leading to:

More Serious Signs:

  • Numbness and tingling sensations in your extremities.

  • Rapid or irregular heartbeat (this is something to get checked out by a healthcare provider right away).

  • Seizures (this is definitely an emergency situation requiring immediate medical attention).

Remember, these are just some of the potential symptoms of magnesium deficiency. If you experience any of these more severe signs, seek medical help promptly. A simple blood test can often determine if your magnesium levels are low.

Uncovering the Causes of Magnesium Deficiency

Now, let's unravel the common culprits behind those pesky magnesium deficiency symptoms. The causes of magnesium deficiency can be complex and varied, but often stem from factors such as inadequate dietary intake, poor absorption, or increased magnesium loss.

Dietary Factors

The food we eat plays a significant role in providing our bodies with magnesium. Diets low in magnesium-rich foods can lead to a deficiency. Modern diets, although sometimes seemingly healthy, can often be low in essential nutrients like magnesium.

This is partly due to the prevalence of processed foods and often a lack of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds, which are good sources of magnesium. Sugar-laden drinks don't help either..

Health Conditions

Certain health conditions like Crohn's disease, celiac disease, or type 2 diabetes, can interfere with magnesium absorption.

If you have a health condition that affects your digestive system, such as chronic diarrhea or celiac disease, it can lead to poor absorption of magnesium and other essential nutrients. This malabsorption can increase your risk of magnesium deficiency.

Certain medications can deplete your body's magnesium stores. If you’re on medication, it’s important to discuss the potential side effects of your medication with your doctor, which may include magnesium loss.

This will help you understand any potential interactions with magnesium and other essential nutrients, such as potassium levels.

Three different faces of a woman

Lifestyle Factors

Believe it or not, high levels of stress, excessive alcohol consumption, and intense exercise can also contribute to magnesium depletion. That’s because when your body is stressed or physically taxed, it demands more magnesium.

In addition to stress and exercise, excessive alcohol consumption can also interfere with your body's ability to absorb and utilize magnesium effectively.

Addressing Magnesium Deficiency

Thankfully, you have several options to increase your magnesium levels and combat the effects of magnesium deficiency. Making dietary changes, considering magnesium supplementation, and incorporating relaxation techniques can all be beneficial.

Dietary Changes

You can include more magnesium-rich foods in your daily diet. Try some of these good sources of magnesium:

  • Leafy green vegetables: Think spinach, kale, and Swiss chard.

  • Nuts and seeds: Almonds, pumpkin seeds, and chia seeds are not just tasty snacks, but also rich in magnesium.

  • Avocado: Everyone's favorite creamy fruit is also packed with magnesium.

  • Dark chocolate: This is music to everyone's ears. Opt for dark chocolate with a high cocoa percentage (70% or higher). It's a win-win - you get your chocolate fix and a dose of magnesium.

Magnesium Supplements

Sometimes dietary changes alone aren't enough to correct a deficiency. This is when high-quality magnesium supplements come in. They're an effective way to replenish your body’s magnesium levels quickly.

They offer a convenient way to increase your intake and improve magnesium levels. However, remember to consult a healthcare provider to determine the appropriate dosage for you.

Epsom Salt Baths

Epsom salt baths are a wonderfully relaxing way to potentially boost your magnesium levels. Adding Epsom salts, which are rich in magnesium sulfate, to a warm bath allows your skin to absorb the magnesium directly.

It's an incredibly soothing practice, especially after a stressful day, helping to relax muscles and calm nerves.

Magnesium Deficiency: The Bottom Line

As you've learned, magnesium plays a fundamental role in your body's processes, contributing to bone health and impacting everything from sleep quality to mental health.

When magnesium is deficient, it impacts your overall health, manifesting in a range of symptoms that often mimic other conditions. Recognizing the signs and symptoms of magnesium deficiency is crucial for early intervention.

Being mindful of your magnesium intake through a balanced diet rich in leafy green vegetables, nuts, seeds, and dark chocolate can help maintain adequate levels.

Consulting a healthcare professional can help you determine the right approach for addressing your needs and prevent severe magnesium deficiency.

By prioritizing magnesium intake and seeking personalized guidance when needed, you can support your body's optimal function and overall well-being.

Natural peanut butter

Magnesium Mysteries

Explore the subtle yet impactful signs of magnesium deficiency, such as muscle cramps, fatigue, and irritability.

Understanding these symptoms is crucial for maintaining overall health, as magnesium plays a vital role in muscle function, energy production, and nervous system regulation.

The article suggests dietary sources rich in magnesium, including leafy greens, nuts, and seeds, while also introducing a delightful treat: keto peanut butter cups.

These low-carb confections, made with magnesium-rich ingredients like almond flour and sugar-free chocolate, provide a delicious way to boost your magnesium intake while adhering to a ketogenic diet.

By recognizing deficiency signs and enjoying keto peanut butter cups, you can enhance your well-being and satisfy your sweet tooth healthily.


Remember, knowledge is power. Understanding the often subtle signs of magnesium deficiency symptoms can lead you on a path of greater wellbeing.

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