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What Your Skin Can Tell You About Your Liver

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 06/04/2024

While most people are aware that liver health is crucial, not many are aware that the skin can actually tell you how your liver is doing.

Learn about the liver, it's connecting with the skin, and what different signs mean for your liver's health.

Recognizing the Signs of Liver Toxin Build-up

It is fairly common for signs from the liver to be apparent in the skin. Recognizing these signs will help you safeguard your health.

The Yellow Warning: Understanding Jaundice

Jaundice gives a yellow tint to your skin and eyes.

This is because your overworked liver is having trouble processing bilirubin, which is pigment waste.

Red Palms and Liver Health

Pink palms are indicative of palmar erythema. Commonly, this condition indicates chronic liver disease or cirrhosis.

This condition has been linked directly with some severe liver conditions, so if you're seeing red on your palms without explanation, you should consult a healthcare professional immediately.

Spider Angioma

When your liver can't break estrogen down properly, you might see spider angioma. This is a red lesion that has red streaks surrounding the lesion in a spider-like formation.

Cholesterol Buildup and Eyelid Growth

Little white growths on your eyelids are telltale signs of cholesterol buildup.

These unsightly growths indicate high triglycerides or low HDL levels, which are often related to how well your liver is functioning.

Uncommon Indicators of Liver Problems

Your liver manages your body's detox processes, so when the skin shows signs of struggle in the liver, it is important to pay attention.

Lichen Planus and Liver Connections

The condition of lichen planus shows distinctive purple lesions that hint at underlying liver issues.

If these purple lesions appear on your wrists or ankles, think twice. Often they indicate that the liver is struggling to properly remove toxins from the body.

Pigment Changes as Liver Health Indicators

If the pigment changes on knuckles and hands to a darker shade, this may signify that the liver is struggling as a result of not getting enough vitamin B12.

So next time, those knuckles start looking suspiciously tan when you haven't been out in the sun much, look to the liver.

Woman with a bruise

The Link Between Liver Health and Skin Bruising

Another sign the skin might show when the liver is unwell is ecchymosis.

Ecchymosis Explained

Your liver works tirelessly to filter blood, break down toxins, and juggle fat metabolism. When it starts struggling under the load, the aftermath can be seen on your skin as bruises.

These are no ordinary bruises; these are ecchymoses, large areas that bleed under the skin due to weakened vessels. When the liver is unable to keep vessel walls strong, bruising will become more common.

If these bruises keep showing up without an apparent reason, it could be time to check in with your liver health.

Nutritional Deficiencies Related to Liver Function

Not only is dandruff an embarrasing condition for many, it can also be a sign that the liver is struggling with potential vitamin B deficiencies.

Dandruff as a Clue to Liver Health

Beyond the cosmetic inconvenience, persistent dandruff can indicate vitamin deficiencies in nutrients that are crucial for metabolic processes managed by our livers.

When these vitamins run low because the liver is under duress, you'll notice those flakes becoming more frequent.

A properly functioning liver should help keep these nutrients at their optimal levels, but when things go south with hepatic function, one of its many distress signals includes dandruff.

Hyperkeratosis and Vitamin Deficiencies

"Chicken skin" is hyperkeratosis caused by lackluster amounts of vitamins A and E, which again ties back to how well the liver performs its duties.

This condition transforms parts of your skin into rough patches reminiscent of plucked poultry.

Liver Toxin Build-up and the Role of Cleansing for Skin Clarity

Navigate the intricate balance between liver health and skin clarity by recognizing signs of potential toxin build-up. As the liver plays a central role in detoxification, its optimal function is reflected in the skin's vibrancy.

Consider incorporating a targeted cleanse for skin as part of your holistic approach, addressing both internal detoxification and external well-being.

This dynamic synergy ensures that your skin radiates with clarity and vitality, a testament to the interconnected harmony between liver health and mindful skincare practices.


While most people recognize the importance of liver health, many are unaware that the skin can reveal crucial information about the liver’s condition.

Understanding the connection between liver health and skin manifestations can empower you to recognize early signs of liver distress. Signs such as jaundice, red palms, spider angiomas, and cholesterol buildup around the eyes are key indicators of liver issues.

Additionally, uncommon symptoms like lichen planus, pigment changes, bruising, and dandruff can also signal liver problems. By recognizing these signs, you can take proactive steps to support your liver health, ensuring overall well-being and vibrant skin.

Always consult a healthcare professional if you notice any of these symptoms to address potential liver issues promptly.


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